Gothenya The Reformation of the Crown & the Age of Will
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The Reformation of the Crown & the Age of Will

Era beginning/end

1 A.W.

Nearly two hundred years after the Sundering, the crown king of Wyeth decided to change the high calendar of Gothenya and declare a new age for Gothenkind. As the gods had largely fallen silent due to the cataclysm at Mount Celene, the king observed that the Age of Destiny (marked by the will of the gods and its influence on the world's peoples) was over and the Age of Will (with Gothenkind now able to choose their own "fates") had begun.   With this change, the powers and influence (if not the reach) of the church were greatly reduced, and those of the Faith Zenithal (once the official state religion of Wyeth) found themselves without a foothold in Wyeth (and the west) for the first time since the founding of the great nation.

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