Hariel Minuta Geographic Location in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Hariel Minuta

"The Royal Lands of Wyeth..."

HAIREL MINUTA   The “Southron Lands” are the dominant seat of magic throughout all Gothenya. After the Sundering, most mages, fearing for their lives, fled Hariel Majour for the smaller, southern continent, where they established various schools of magic. The farther north one travels, the less magic is either seen or appreciated in the lands.   The primary nation of the southern continent (and the one closest to the Throat), boasting the robust City State of Varuumae (with a traders bay rivaling that of Angleport), is the Wizard State of Varuum. A Magiocracy, governed by a council of mages, acting under the Grand Hassir of Varuum, who rules from the “Tower of All Things and Nothing” at the center of bustling Varuumae. There is a rumor that the Grand Hassir has taken to madness and only serves a puppet to forces unknown. But this is but a rumor.   Of note: many/most organizations, both legal and illegal, have corollaries (or chapters) in both Angleport and Varumae. For example, the notorious Thieves Guild of Zanzassar, sometimes called “The Takers.”   Each “school” of magic, called circles, has a corresponding college, where the best and brightest apprentices and students are put through untold rigors until they either fall out, or gain the status of their particular order.   Other colleges that had their origins in Varuum, such as the various Bardic Colleges of The Throat, have expanded beyond the Southron States.   Also of note is that within the walls of Varumae lies a tower of learning, where the greatest historians in the world are formed. It’s called The Tower of the Custodians, and those who graduate from it are referred to as Custodians themselves. Many are previously graduates of a college of magic. Think of Custodial training as a graduate school of sorts. They live by their own codes, which are clandestine and are as complex as they are unpredictable. Punishment for a Custodian who violates the code (in any way) is death. At this point in history, it seems the Custodians are the only ones who still find active interest in Mount Celene.   Similar to its northern brother, Hariel Minuta also boasts a series of free cities, unaffiliated with Varuum, however it is extremely rare that any of these communities engage in active rebellion against the diverse ruling City State. The is largely due to the overriding principals of the Grand Hassir. Something to the tune of “Do as thou wilt.”   This being said, there is one city, removed from the standard trade routes, that all others diligently eye with trepidation. The “free city of scholars,” Sage. Sage has no ruler, but is guided by a council of elders (known as “The Curiosity”), all with scholarly backgrounds representing the various concerns and disciplines of the land. This itself is nothing to fear, yet one member of the council represents the mysterious magical “guild” known as The Boorka. The Boorka are the reason why people fear Sage. Though never directly connected to any acts of crime or malice, it’s the sort of magical “truth” they seek that is of concern. Rumors of planar exploration into the Demon Lands (Hades, The Abyss, etc), of things brought back from their secret expeditions, these are the things of nightmares. And indeed, there are several nursery rhymes and bedtime stories that warn wicked children of the Boorka that will come to sweep them away.   Rumors state that the Boorka was founded, and is continued, by renegade Custodians. Those who broke their code and are in exile. But again, these are but rumors.  
Varuum Night


A combination of lush greenery and blasted deserts, with port cities on every shore.

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