Sereg Character in Golarion | World Anvil


  • Sereg is a Hobgoblin Monk of the Assassin's Fist.
  • Oorvasan, “renegade”. One who leaves the legion. Sereg used this name when referring to Grog.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Sereg was a hobgoblin that had run afoul of his commander. His head was shaved and he was exiled.
  • Once he was on his own, he joined a raiding bandit party that picked a fight with the wrong group of mercenaries. He was taken captive, interrogated, and was being held until the mercs could decide what to do with him.
  • He was freed by Quan Yu, and to show his appreciation he began training with the monk.
  • Quan Yu was a spiritual guide and member of the monastic Order of the Weave. The weave was the spiritual energy, ki, that existed in every living creature. After his order had been engaged in a battle with another monastic order, the Way of the Primordial, Quan was instructed by Master Feng to flee with a set of three scrolls called the Scrolls of Anaksasuken (Assassin Fist). He was to take the scrolls and protect them.
  • Sereg was fascinated with the scrolls and the power they contained. Quan Yu wanted to destroy them and told Sereg not to be tempted by the power.
  • It was around that point that Sereg was discovered by an odd wizard who happened to be exploring a set of caves that Sereg was meditating in. The wizard assured Sereg that if he could get his hands on the scrolls and use the power, Sereg could become a powerful and loyal ally to him. And loyal allies were generously rewarded.
  • Sereg's loyalty was torn. The wizard could sense this, and used his power of manipulation to convince Quan Yu that Sereg planned to steal the scrolls. Quan Yu knew the hobgoblin's power, and the wizard made him believe that the only way to stop Sereg was to kill him. 
  • Under the thrall of the wizard, Quan Yu came to Sereg as the hobgoblin slept and almost killed him. But Quan Yu managed to shake off the effects of the mental domination before striking the sleeping hobgoblin. Sereg then woke and, believing Quan Yu was trying to kill him, attacked his former master. 
  • So confused and full of shame for what he had almost done, Quan Yu mounted little defense to Sereg's attacks. Quan was beaten to within an inch of his life before Sereg threw him over a cliff. Quan survived and dragged himself back to their camp. Sereg was gone, as were the sacred scrolls.
  • The wizard was curious about the scrolls, but more so what the hobgoblin was going to do with them. Hatred ate at Sereg, anger at the betrayal of his master. Humans were all alike, not to be trusted.
  • Sereg opened the scrolls and began absorbing the knowledge they held. Every scroll he finished became a part of him. The parchment turned to ash, but the words etched themselves into his flesh. He became a mystical weapon of death.


Contacts & Relations

  • Former member of the group known as The Warbound. After escaping with the Shard of Pride with Roglas Gorestorm, he came to blows with the orc when it came down to genuinely possessing the shard and deciding what was best to do with it. Both were injured going into the fight, and after a short scuffle, Sereg was forced to retreat. When he found Roglas again, the orc was dead, and the shard was gone.
  • Sereg also worked for the wizard Mokmurian. He was placed in charge of a tribe of ogres tasked to manufacture weapons for Mokmurian's army of giants. 
Current Status
Prisoner of the Winter Council
Current Location
Brown beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
194 lbs
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