Raven (temple report) in Godbound | World Anvil
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Raven (temple report)

(The report is dated for the seventh moon of summer, day fifteen. The report is in a small, neat hand.)   Updated report on the personage known as Raven   Subject is a bound with the power to conjure fire. She appears to be a tallish woman dressed almost entirely in black, with olive skin and dark hair. Her eyes glow a bright green when the bond is active, and she has never been seen without the bond.   Subject appears to fancy herself as some sort of vigilante force of justice. She appears with uncanny accuracy when a crime may be in progress, and she lashes out with excessive force. She has killed indiscriminately for small crimes and for unproven crimes. Because she originated in the lowest level and is striking targets committing crimes such as attacking women, Raven enjoys a positive opinion in many of the gem lanes.   Her bond seems to be some sort of positive emotion. She's often laughing while active, especially when calling flame. Considering the fire connection, it's highly likely she is a bound of Manat. The temple does not have much information on Manat, though, so its hard to know for sure.   Raven is incredibly slippery. She seems to have a sense for when she's being chased, and despite having her bond active for long periods of time she has yet to be captured. She does not seem to have a grudge against Watchers and does not lash out at them unless they attempt to capture her, but several staff have been badly burned attempting to stop her. No fatalities yet, and I'm given to understand that this is deliberate. Godbound flames burn for as long as the bound wills it, so the difference between maiming and killing is intent.   Over the last moon, Raven has gotten visibly less stable. Her speech patterns are more ranting, her motions have a strangeness to them, and her judgement has gotten more and more severe. It's the Watchers' opinion that her bond is beginning to consume her.   Conclusion: While Raven may not be deliberately malicious (and in fact has done much good in the lower levels), her bond is beginning to consume her and her rationality will fail her soon. Recommendation is to escalate capture attempts immediately to prevent a messy breakdown. OV call up Redeye?

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