Icerill Material in Glorion | World Anvil
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Icerill is a special kind of forging technique that creates an improved version of the craft; only known to dwarves of Icerillion. The name Icerill is also referred to the to the material. For example, a Icerill sword. This material is extremely valuable and highly scarce. This material is sacred to the dwarves of the Frost Mountains and they even went as far as naming their home capital Icerillion, after the material.


Material Characteristics

When the material is forged into a sword, it is as sharp as regular steel. Depends on the quality of the material, the wielder, and the wielding strength, an Icrill weapon can shatter steel. Looks like regular steel, can be told apart by the touch.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The material is lighter than steel. When one is cut by Icerill blade, the wounded can suffer ten minutes to an hour of Freeze, and headaches. When touched, it makes the toucher shiver (it can be avoided depends on how much times the toucher touches). The material cannot be melted by regular forging fire unlike steel, and it can only be melted by lava or dragon fire. It cannot be reforged with regular technique, only with the technique of Icerillion.


The compounds for this material is unknown.

Geology & Geography

Icerill can only be made in the mountain of Icrillion in the Frost Peaks, in the Northern realm. This is because Icerillion is the exact perfect place to forge and make Icerill.

Origin & Source

The myths and legends said that the founding crafter of Icerill was the best dwarven smith ever lived.

Life & Expiration

This material will never freeze, with the exception of being broken or melted with attempt to reforge with regular technique. When broken, the material will chatter in to one thousand bits of ice.

History & Usage


The myths and legends said that the first crafter of Icerill was a dwarven smith, who was one of the most talented smith that ever walked the land. He was obsessed with ice magic intended to harness the properties of Ice within a sword, and he ended up forging the first Icerill blade.


It was discovered in an unknown time before the Reign of Blood in the Northern Realm by the First Smith of Icerillion.

Everyday use

Icerill is used as every day tools, just not very common.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Icerill is used as the symbol and sacred to the dwarves of Icerillion.


The founding state of Icerill is regular steel. To refine the metal into Icrill, the forging steel must be be hammered by a ice hammer of Icerllion. The blade must be cooled in the breath of a ice dragon instead of water.

Manufacturing & Products

Icerill can be crafted into any tool that can be crafted by metal. The uses of these tools are the same, however with some amplified abilities. All tools and weapons have longer and stronger durability than regular steel. All of these tools are also more resistant to heat than regular steel. These tools are extra strong against ice.


Trade & Market

Icerill items are usually sold by dwarves. The chance of an icerill item being sold is extremely rare, due to its arduous process of making. Even if an Icerill item is being sold, it would cost a fortune, and it is viewed as a treasure by most houses.


Icerill item does not need to be stored differently from its steel counterparts.
The average cost of an Icerill item can range from five thousand gold to ten thousand gold depending on the seller and the item.
You can find one Icerill item for sale every five decades. Icerill items are so rare to the point that only a quarter of the great houses have one.
Don't try it!
The colour of steel, with occasional ice blue colours flashing.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
No freezing point, only gets stronger in cold areas (wound effects increase).
Common State
Regular steel

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