Rrymëlk Species in Gixíra | World Anvil
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Rrymëlks are one of the social and cautious creatures here in Gixíra. They are territorial to their homes in addition to that, they can hurt you so much if you tried to start trouble with them. With that, they are also the first animal species discovered that can use magic.

Basic Information


Rrymëlks are known to have skin which is a light brown shade to a brown with lines of maroon. Their fur specially their legs and neck has a more darker color of brown than the color of their skin, and their fur has two stripe lines with black at the end of their fur. The tails are short and the fur in it is a lighter type of brown. They have slender but compact legs with hooves that can knock someone into unconsciousness. The females of this species also have antlers which is unique because all of the female elks here in Gixíra has no antlers except this species, but it is smaller that what the males have.

Ecology and Habitats

The whole species of Rrymëlks are known to live somewhere with cold temperature, but with only a thin layer of snow. For an example, they would live in boreal forest with a little layer of snow like the Inierno Forest, or somewhere up high on the mountain valleys like the Sífrera Mountains which is a high enough for the elk to live on. Though out the months of winter Rrymëlks would go to a place like lower valleys or boreal forest where the snow is not deep and they would hide in caves to keep themselves warm. While this type of species are only seen at the Vernal Continent, it also migrated to other parts of continents that are near. They would also live near lakes and rivers so they wouldn't have to travel far away to drink water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rrymëlks are one of the herbivores that are known around Gixíra, and as herbivores, they only eat vegetation. When it is the months of spring and summer their food is plentiful which is the reason there are more herds to be seen so that there are more groups to forage for food as winter comes. They primarily eat grasses, sedges, shrubs, a variety of flowering plants, barks from trees specially Fir trees, and they also eat berries. They would also go near a river or a lake to drink nine to eleven gallons of water per day as their daily water consumption.

Biological Cycle

When it is the time of spring and summer, they group up into three to five elks so they would forage everywhere to find food for the cold months of winter. When it is the months of Gradien and Smyr, they would shed their velvet so that their antlers could also shed. When winter starts to come to Gixíra, they would put the food they have been saving for almost half a year in caves near a river and they would conserve their food source so that in the upcoming days they wouldn't have problems with their food source becoming scarce.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Rrymëlks have a strong herding instinct which makes them social to each other. During spring and summer, herds of cows (female elks) and their juvenile calves usually graze separately from the bulls (male elks). An old cow usually leads this summer herd. As yearling (spike) bulls age and matures, they spend less time with the cow herds. During winter, males and females forage together if their food supply is running low.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While people does not domesticate Rrymëlks into farms, people uses the velvet and antlers that these species have shedded. On the last week of the shedding months of Rrymëlks, people goes to the Vento Inierno to scavenge the shedded velvet and antlers. The Rryvelvet is dried and used in medical soups due to the velvet having healing capabilities, and increase of strength and endurance. On the other hand, the Rrymëlk Antlers are also used in medicine, and it is also used for armors and sometimes swords.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While these elks are native on the Vernal Continent, there are still some elks living on other continents near the Vernal Continent. They are mostly found near cold habitats like, Sífrera Mountains and on Inierno Forest with their sworn enemy, the Neve Wolves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rrymëlks are known to have an exceptionally great sense of sight, and hearing. They mostly use their sense of smell to know if danger is near, and when they are finding other Rrymëlks. They have learned to use magic with their eyesight which is why they can see a threat from far away which helps them hide if they needed to. They can also hear any sound coming from any species either plants or animals, because of their excellent sense of hearing and with their magic that can increase one of their senses. In conclusion, they are hard to hunt down which is why people just scavenge for Rrymëlk Velvet, and Rrymëlk Antlers instead of killing one which is one of a difficult task to do.

Threats and Enemies

The natural enemies of these elks are wolves, cougars, sometimes bears and also coyotes. The only threat that Rrymëlks have is the Neve Wolves which is from the Medríos Inierno while Rrymëlks are from the Vento Inierno. Both also live on Sífrera Mountains which is another reason why they would have an territorial dispute. Other than that, their only threat is starvation and diseases which is common to some herds.
Included Location(s)
Vernal Continent
Inierno Forest
Sífrera Mountains
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Cervus Alcesis
11 - 15 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
1.2 - 1.5 meters
Average Weight
210 - 240 kg (female) 320 - 350 kg (male)
Average Length
2.2 - 2.5 m
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