Law of Magic: Mwieho (Fifth/Last Law) Physical / Metaphysical Law in Gixíra | World Anvil
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Law of Magic: Mwieho (Fifth/Last Law)

Your life, genes and your location may define who you are and what your gift will be.
— Law of Magic: Mwieho


Everyone's gift is unique to each other, because on the factors of where you live right now, what your race/species is, are you near any specific places where you grow up, and the magic from your genes from your parents to your ancestors. Each of the factors may have the reason that a specific magic is given to you. This means that the factors are the ones why your magic grows in a specific way. For an example, you live near a river or a lake then that means you are more likely to focus on magic that has any form of water.
  Another way the factors may affect your magic is your magic has a capacity which stops you from learning further to make your gift stronger. Your species may have a line that your may not go though if you have reached the capacity of the magic that you've learned.The only way get pass through the line is to learn more and more until your magic has reached a new breakthrough with a new capacity that is more harder to get through.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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