Uclept Maxims Character in Gi-Artia Renewed | World Anvil

Uclept Maxims

Seventh king of Throus.


Uclept was born in 982 E1 to his father Sorel. He grew up heavily influenced by his father's nationalist politics, and when he became king in 1004 E1, he continued in his father's legacy.
  Uclept amplified Stanan slavery in Throus to the point where it became a part of the nation's culture; slavery became prevalent not only in near the northwest border, but across the entire state. He was even more of a warmonger than his father, and in 1009 E1 he declared war on the state of Oam to the south in order to expand Throusan territory and influence southward down the Throus river. It was a decisive victory for Throus, who won the Acies War in early 1011 E1 and claimed much of Oam's territory west of the Throus river. Uclept founded the city of Acies out of a razed Oaman town in 1010 E1.
  Two years later in 1013 E1, Uclept continued his warpath by declaring war on Minor to the south of Throus. The war was not as decisive as the previous, and the Major War was ended in 1015 E1 with Throus claiming some Majoran territory.
  Uclept is perhaps most widely known in Throusan culture for his horrible but slightly humorous death - a wildfire swept through Milean in 1019 E1. His manor went up in flames while he slept, and he likely died very peacefully in his sleep from asphyxia.

Throusan territory at Uclept's death in 1019 E1.
Uclept Maxims
King of Throus - 1004-1019 E1
    Preceded By: Sorel Maxims
    Succeeded By: Latret Maxims
982 E1 1019 E1 37 years old
Circumstances of Death
Asphyxia due to housefire
Place of Death


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