The Log of the Voyage of Tobias Kumiega Document in Gi'ardi | World Anvil
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The Log of the Voyage of Tobias Kumiega (Koo-mee-gah)

When Tobias Kumiega set out on the journey with his brothers and the Venice Expedition to the Huanjinese empire, he kept a journal that eventually became a very important text in the founding of Karanya, used for everything from naming new villages and ships to deciding what times of year are auspicious enough for a ceremony. His journal basically has his thoughts on all the things he's seeing plus his budding romance with the brave Eun.

Historical Details


Tobias's mom gave him the journal as a going away present.


After he filled it (as Altaia is rather large and therefore needs a lot of description) he kept the journal, but after he died the journal went neglected in storage for about 50 years until it was unearthed, and people started taking his words as gospel. Several violent monarchs later, the original journal was lost, but the stories inside it lived on in oral history. The second version of the story is from those oral traditions.

Public Reaction

The schlacta (later founders of the sejm) used his journal as a guide to interact with their new Josunese neighbors (such as: "Oh, I read that you have a festival coming up, will you be needing funds for that? Have you considered inviting the king?" and so on). Later monarchs had the story reprinted (on modified printing presses from Josun) and it was made part of beginners' reading classes for kids. Every child knows this story. It passed into oral history. All written accounts surviving in the present are based off of that oral tradition, not the original text.
Journal, Personal
Authoring Date

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