Krag/Kragnûl Species in Ghosts of Saltmarsh | World Anvil


Snuffing out the light of Pelor the Krag swarm blackened the sky. Their cries of "bow" filled my heart with dread and terror. I pressed myself against the stone statue, seeking Pelor's warmth. Whatever small comfort it gave disappeared as I glanced out the shattered window. The horned claws of the Kragnûn landed on the building, and a mighty groan accompanied its guttural cry as the tavern sagged under it's immense weight. I gripped my sacred amulet and prayed for the same strength Pelor himself must have needed when facing this servant of the Tharizdun.
— Alai Melkor, High Cleric of Pelor describing the Destruction of the Second Age
  Krag are the winged servants of Tharizdûn, the Elder One. Stern, pitch-black birds, they hide in the shadows, still and unmoving. Waiting. Listening. Reporting. They are incredibly intelligent creatures, able to learn other languages and mimic specific sounds. They are skilled at finding things hidden in shadows and picking items out of a crowd.   Krag naturally seek out those drawn to Tharizdun. They seek out the Shards of the Elder One, and act as omens for the Cabal of the Chained Oracle They report to Mr. Dory. Members of the Cult of the Elder one will see krag in their dreams. Ancient records describe the Krag as the eyes and ears of Tharizdun, though this is considered folly by most people today.  

The Kragnûl

The Kragnûl is the winged mount of Dulnur, the Herald of Tharizdun. While they are only an extension of the Elder One's will, Kragnûl is a powerful entity on its own. Its answers only to it's master's whispered calls. Weak and atrophied after centuries of slumber, it siphons power from the prayers of misguided followers, biding its time until it can create the catalyst to free its master, though it is unsure how.   The last records of the Kragnûl coincide with the Destruction of the Second Age. Kragnûl, accompanied with throngs of Krag, erupted from the High Mountain Forests and with their bodies created the symbol of Tharizdun in the skies. Survivors described it as a great winged creature, blacker than the deepest seas, a large featherless and deformed krag, casting a shadow of absolute darkness. Those who looked at the symbol too long were driven mad.  

Player Hooks

Through different dungeons or adventure the players find 2-3 pieces of a large weathered bridle. Putting the piece together summons the Kragnûl , a powerful battle ally. Every time the Kragnûl is summoned it becomes stronger and more aware of its master's call and will try to escape and retreat to the Temple of the Chaired Oracle. This hook should take place over several levels (level 10-17). It is designed to be a culminating in a battle where a fully powered Dulnur rides the Kragnûl in the Temple of the Chaired Oracleduring a ritual to release the Elder One.
GM info
The bridle leather is made out of dwarven skin. The players should not be aware of this until Dulnur is summoned.
A krag snatches a valuable item from a PC. Depending on the location the krag could flee to a Cultist stronghold, or hide in a swarm of krag. The krag may try to return the item later, though the item will be cursed, giving them disadvantage on wisdom saves. The PC will start dreaming of krags. A member of the Cabal of the Chained Oracle may try to recruit the PC after the curse has taken hold. NOTE: The item should be something the PC values and the return should be between 4-6 sessions after the initial encounter.


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