Chromaplexy Condition in Ghosts of Saltmarsh | World Anvil


Transmission & Vectors

Chromaplexy spreads through the vent tubes in the lower city markets. The tubes connect to the deep caverns, where one of the the Gadalatha planar seal is located. A black ichor resembling black algae slowly started leaking through the seals, drifted up the hydrothermal vents where it was inhaled by members of the Gadalatha community. Its since spread throughout the community through inhaled hydrosol droplets. The disease is most contagious 3-7 days after the first symptoms appear.


In recent years the Gadalatha seal has started to creak, and the evils within have started to seep through. Among these dark abominations is the black iccur of the Elder One, which corrupts all it touches. When the iccur is ingested the corruption seeps into the blood stream and alters the infected individual's brain chemistry.


The earliest sign of chromaplexy is a mild green rash along the underarms and upper thighs, followed by a loss of smell and less vibrant vision. (Many infected individuals complain of more muted blue/grey visual pallet.) Symptoms appear to subside after two-three days before behavioral changes manifest. These changes include increased irritability and short-term memory loss which deteriorate into an inability to recognize even the closest family members and friends and prolonged violent fits that require extended social isolation. Progression between these stages takes an averages of 2-3 weeks.


Treatment procedures are still under development. Promising studies post-exposure therapy with drug injections focusing on repairing brain damage and training the body to recognize the corrupting influence of the iccur. Corrupted blood is seeped out by using the deep ocean leeches. The leeches do go through an unfortunate transformation after a leeching session, but the cost is considered worth the price. The sooner chromaplexy can be adequately identified, the more effective the treatment is. Social therapy is often required for advanced stage 3 cases.


The first and second stages are fairly distinct in symptoms. The second and third stages blend together and it is difficult for medical professionals to pinpoint specifically when the second stage ends and the third stage starts.


This disease was first noticed in the Gadalatha tribe a few months ago. Three middle-aged Tridons complained of a mild irritation that got worse the longer they scratched at it. Doctors first attempted to treat the disease by wrapping the affected areas with seaweed and gelatinous jelly. Initially, the treatment was considered a success, as the rash disappeared between 5-9 days. What doctors now know, is that the disease internalizes, attacking the memory and adrenal sections of the brain. What was first seen as sleep deprivation caused by under-arm seaweed wrappings, was in fact, the start of the second stage.
Stage 1
  • a bumpy green rash, primarily located under the arms
  • Loss of smell
  • Vision is less vibrant, colors seem to be little more blue/grey
Stage 2
  • increased irritability
  • short term memory loss
Stage 3
  • Inability to recognize individuals
  • Prone to prolonged fits of violence, which require social isolation
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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