Apaxrusl Species in Ghosts of Saltmarsh | World Anvil


Apazrusl are undead constructs created through a necromantic ritual fusing infusing a cursed corpse with desert sand. These creatures are largely believed to exist as villains for children's fairy tales and the world would be better for it if this were true. Apazrusl usually serve as personal guards or undead lieutenants in charge of small groups of undead.   Creation Aparusl are created when a necromancer infuses cursed souls into desert sand. A ritual circle is outlined in sand and a cleaned skeleton is placed in the center. More than one Aparusl can be created at a time. Multiple ritual circles would form a larger circle in which the necromancer would need to stand in the center. Because most necromancers do not have access to cursed souls, this process usually requires a bargain with a demon. Research into likely demon requests is advised before starting this ritual. Unprepared necromancers are more likely to have unfavorable deal conditions. When a deal goes sour, the Apaxrusl is left to wander the desert.   Uses Apaxrusl take more energy to create and manage, but a useful member of an undead team. The damned souls filling the apaxrusl give them intelligence, but their constructed forms keep them loyal to their creator. Necromancers often create apaxrusl to lead small groups of undead on specific tasks, confident in the construct's ability to execute orders and lead the undead while away from the direct control of the necromancer. (Source).   Cohort on Ember Island After being convicted of necromancy, Ireyne Sutton fled Keoland and formed an agreement with the Ebrelia Trading Company. Ireyne would provide necromantic services, primarily in the form of security on West Ember Isle, and the ETC would provide her sanctuary.   Ireyne has raised two batches of Apaxrusl on Ember Island. Dead slaves from the West Ember Island Cave Systems provide an easy supply of skeletons, though the souls have been demon-provided. The deep network of the ETC is usually able to handle demonic requests. (Those filling out the requests rarely ask for more information.)   Apaxrusl are posted within the cave systems. While they have slightly lower intelligence than the average humanoid, their ability to burrow through the sandy chambers and ability to surivive without air, food, drink, or sleep, allows them to have an ever-present and ever-oppressive presence. If the Apaxrusl is attacked, either by a slave or another creature in the cave system, it can shift the flowing sands of its body to avoid harm. (Source). After one encounter, most choose to avoid a direct fight.


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