The Dimensions in Ghaile | World Anvil
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The Dimensions

To most, the Material Plane is all they know. Some know of other worlds, such as Heaven, Hell, and worlds formed of Fire, Water, and more. Even fewer know that these worlds are just a set among an infinite number of sets. Yet even beyond these worlds, there exist more. These worlds are home to creatures and magics far beyond anything the mortals of Briah have ever seen. While these worlds are far removed from the Material Plane, their effect is held immensely. The following is a description of all dimensions known to dimensional scholars on Ghaile.

Byss - 0

Byss is a wasteland unlike any other. A void in which nothing exists, nothing can exist, and nothing will ever exist. No known beings reside here permanently except for Byss’s Lord.
  Byss Themself is easily one of the most mysterious of the Dimensional Lords. He’s almost never seen outside of his dimension and even within it, he rarely manifests. When viewed by mortal beings on Ghaile, They’ve been said to take the form of an emaciated humanoid form whose skin is a pale grey. A round head tops Their body with a face made of a spiral of twisted flesh leading down into a deep abyss that seems to constantly be sucking in the matter around it. Their form is draped in a pale red tattered cloth that actually seems to be part of Their body. No legs and visible and their long arms end in hands bearing long thin fingers. Constantly visible behind Their head appears to be a pale halo seemingly formed from the eclipse of an insubstantial star. The only other notable feature that seems to persist across all descriptions is a large slash scar across the chest, although the origin or nature of this scar has never been determined.

Briah - 1-3

Briah is a trinary dimensional system. Formed of three sub-dimensions known as Binah, Da'at, and Netzach. These three dimensions exist together to form Briah. Briah is the easiest dimension for mortals to understand due to most of them living there.
  Briah is composed of an infinite number of planar systems. Each planar system is wholly unique and may have different planes within them, laws of physics, laws of magic, gods, etc. Typically, within a planar system exist a number of planes. These planes are akin to little universes that can have a variety of different features. These planar systems are often connected together by the webs of Atlach-Nacha, also known as the Twilight Zone. While not technically part of Briah, the Twilight Zone does interact with Their realm often.
  When appearing to mortals on Ghaile, Briah tends to take the form of a slim humanoid whose body is made of some form of elegant metal patterns. In Their chest, small globules of unknown liquid float illuminated in a golden light. Their head is formed of a round, floating, piece of unknown metal with a vertical image of a humanoid eye carved into it. Behind Their head, intricate geometric patterns can often be seen, floating in the air. On Their shoulders, they wear a tall collared cloak composed of what appears to be space itself. Above their shoulders is an almost complete metal ring. They’re often seen carrying a long staff with a small Y-shaped head at one end. The origin or purpose of the staff is unknown.

Yetzirah - 4

Yetzirah is the dimension of time. It can be seen in a variety of different ways with only a few first-hand accounts being similar. Yetzirah is home to a strange race of beings known on Ghaile as Eons. Eons are geometrically shaped creatures of unknown biological or mechanical origin. They’re known to exist at all Briahn times and thus are difficult for many 3rd dimensional beings to understand. When existing in the Yetzirah, their powers are limited. However, when traveling to Briah, their 4th-dimensional nature shows. They can often be seen with ghostly after and fore images floating around them displaying where they’ve been in the recent past and where they’re about to be. These images are often so overlapped that only the most observant mortals can make any kind of distinction. Once in Briah, they exist outside of time and thus can travel through it as freely as they wish. This means that a single Eon can duplicate itself an infinite number of times by constantly time traveling back to a single point in time.
  Yetzirah is often known to mortal planar scholars as the Plane of Time. In Ghaile’s planar system, the Plane of Time is often depicted as a vast empty wasteland with stranded structures and ruins. An even covering of gray sand is often whipped up by intense wind storms always flowing from the same direction. There doesn’t appear to be any sky, only an ambient light that seems to pervade the entire plane. Immaterial strings are often seen floating on the wind, some nearly as small as a millimeter, some immense, kilometers, or even longer. To dimensional scholars, the Plane of Time is only the first step, often called Shallow Time or Briahn Time, the true wonders of Yetzirah exist outside of the Planes of Time, in what’s often called Deep Time or simply Yetzirah.
  Yetzirah often appears to mortals on Ghaile as a tall, white being composed of bands of unknown metals. Their fingers and the ends of Their feet are composed of a bronze-looking metal, while the rest is composed of an unknown white metal. Freely spinning balls of this bronze-looking metal are located at the sides of the hips, the chest, and the shoulders. The head has no discernable humanoid appearance, looking like a thick hook-shaped piece of the same white metal as the body. Both the head and shoulder spheres appear to be on fire but this fire produces no heat and leaves oily smoke in the air that seems to float through all forms of matter.  

Azathoth - N

A realm of chaos and madness, as often described by Ghaile mortals. Azathoth is not a dimension unto itself, more of the space left between planar systems, which often appear as immense spheres when within Azathoth. It is nearly impossible to describe Azathoth as it has no features that seem to stay for long. Azathoth is often known to planar scholars on Ghaile as the Far Realm, a place where unknowable horrors seem to come from constantly.
  There are some permanent structures in the Far Realm, the Forever Web is a web of energy that connects many of the planar systems suspended in the Far Realm. It was spun by the spider-like Great Old One Atlach Nacha. Another noted structure would be the Observatorium, an immense bronze sphere with two interlocked rings orbiting it. The Observatorium was created by Dominus during his time as a mortal to serve as an intersystem base and to house his vast stores of information. After abandoning it, the Observatorium was found by Dr. Price during her travels through the Twilight Zone. She decided to set up shop there and it currently serves as the main base of ARMOR.
  Besides those features and a few key other ones, the Far Realm is a roiling dimension of chaotic energy home to an innumerable amount of mind and reality-warping horrors. These creatures range in size, color, shape, and intelligence so much that categorizing them is a fool’s errand. Few defined species call the Far Realm home. Creatures from the Far Realm often make their way into Briah through dimensional rifts that randomly open and close at a moment’s notice all over Ghaile’s planar system. These creatures can also be summoned, though only the mad would ever attempt to do so.
  The Dimensional Lord of the Far Realm, Azathoth, is unique amongst the Lords. Azathoth is always manifested in the Far Realm and often appears as an incomprehensible mass of roiling chaos. Their form is constantly changing and just looking at it can drive nearly any being into madness. Azathoth remains in a constant slumber, sung lullabies by flutes and drums played by alien servants. It’s said that if Azathoth were to ever awaken from Their slumber, that the Far Realm and anything within it would cease to exist, including Briah. This rumor has led some to believe that it was the dreams of Azathoth that brought these things into existence. No Dimensional Lord has ever given an answer to the validity of this theory.  

Assiah - 5-7

Assiah is another trinary system, similar to Briah. It’s formed of three sub-dimensions called Gevurah, Hod, and Tiferet. Assiah is mostly unknown to dimensional scholars on Ghaile due to its inhospitable environment. It’s nearly impossible for anything to live there. Unlike Byss however, Assiah is deadly due to the sheer amount of energy radiating here. When described by beings who’ve witnessed it and survived, Assiah is often said to be a roiling inferno of bright energy that creates as well as destroys in an instant. There is almost no mortal magic that could allow one to survive here to confirm this but, there are rumors that certain technologies easily allow one to swim through this inferno. Who created these items or where they are is unknown.
  Assiah is sometimes known as the Furnace of Creation seeing as this is where gods are born. It's a realm composed entirely of immaterial energies, no actual physical matter exists here as that is the stuff of lower dimensions. Sometimes pockets of this energy can fall to the lower dimensions and coalesce into a sentient being. These beings, often called gods although Assiahns would be the technical term, are capable of incredible feats of power due to their higher dimensional heritage. Whilst within a lower dimension, typically Briah, these beings are capable of altering reality around them to varying degrees. Although a god may appear strong enough to lift a mountain or ignite a star, more often than not they are simply altering reality to make whatever they wish happen. This can be akin to a computer programmer editing items in software. The programmer may not be strong enough to actually lift a car, but by editing the software, they can drag the car around as if it were nothing. Despite it being their birthplace, gods almost never travel to Assiah. It’s said that when gods die, their souls are transferred back to Assiah where they rejoin with the pervasive energy.
  When Assiah appears to mortals on Ghaile, They often take the form of a humanoid figure covered in many layers of cloth. The shapes of legs can never be seen through the cloth, giving Assiah a floating sort of movement. An intricate belt wraps around the stomach of Assiah with a large metal circle right over the belly. Several metallic rods hang from the belt with the largest reaching right below the circle down to the knees. The rods get smaller as they radiate out from the circle. A similar set of rods can be seen around the large collar, these rods are uniform in size and seem unaffected by gravity. Assiah’s face is always covered in an androgynous humanoid mask that appears different in every description. Long gloves cover its hands that hold a long-handled sword with a broken blade. How this blade broke or why Assiah needs a sword is unknown. Behind Their body is a large insubstantial eclipse that seems to shoot solar flares out of the corona. Above that intricate orange geometric patterns constantly appear to change at a slow rate. At times, intricate patterns can be seen across the eclipse.

Muzaloth - 8

Muzaloth is unique amongst the dimensions. It appears as a negative version of material-plane space. A white expanse with black stars.
  Upon closer inspection, these stars are actually immense beings with skin that appears to have universes moving around on it. These beings function as living multiverses. Each contains their own Far Realm, Briah, Yetzirah, etc. These beings range in size with some only containing a small set of planar systems to some containing infinite (or at least uncountable). These beings, known as Muzalothian Entities, or Muzals for short, almost never act and are content simply floating in the endless white expanse. When they do act, they are some of the most powerful beings in all the dimensions, easily capable of untold amounts of destruction with a simple thought.
  Several Muzals have been seen on Ghaile including Drom, though he was born mortal and ascending in power, and Dominus, though at the time he was made mortal by his parents. Even without their full power, these beings were capable of slaying multitudes of gods without breaking a sweat and can seemingly only be destroyed by beings of similar power. They also showed an immunity to all forms of mortal and divine magic, including psionics. It is theorized that this is due to their form being higher that Assiah, the source of all mortal and divine magic, and Azathoth, the source of psionics. No other beings are known to inhabit Muzaloth, though this is perhaps due to the lethal nature of the dimension.
  The white expanse is not actually empty but is the deepest region in Assiah, seemingly not accessible by any kind of travel within Assiah. How one accesses the deepest regions of Assiah is unknown and some think they need permission from Assiah or Muzaloth Themselves.
  When appearing to mortals on Ghaile, Muzaloth often takes the form of a stone-bodied humanoid with a vaguely male form. Incredibly long arms hang from Their broad shoulders, ending in long dextrous fingers often contorted in disturbing, unnatural shapes. Veins of darker stone can be seen running across the body coalescing at the center of the chest. The back of Muzaloth can often be seen disintegrating into a fine dust that disappears after a short period of time. Floating above Their shoulders is a perfectly round clear orb. This orb shows seemingly random images from anywhere across any dimension lower than Muzaloth. The reason for any given image appearing is unknown but many-dimensional scholars believe Muzaloth manifests images in its orb as a form of communication with mortals and has never been known to speak.

Kuvachim - 9

Kuvachim is the most static of the dimensions. To mortals, it appears as an immense crystalline wall of unknown composition. This wall is infinite in size, infinite in thickness, and has an infinite number of facets. Kuvachim contains Muzaloth, itself infinite in size. Each facet of Kuvachim shows a different reflection of something within. This appears as a collection of random scenes from all across an infinite number of times and universes.
  It’s said that any being that touches appears before the Council of the Mazzaroth. The Mazzaroth is a collection of 12 incredibly powerful beings that judge those who wish to pass beyond Kuvachim and enter Aravoth. Each one poses a unique challenge and only those who pass every challenge may appear in Aravoth. Those who fail are permanently joined to the wall becoming Karravoth. These creatures serve to protect the wall and will attack any creatures that approach the wall. Only beings of incredible power could survive an attack from even one of these creatures, let alone a total onslaught. When appearing to mortals the Mazzaroth take on the mortal’s form, albeit made of the same material as Kuvachim.
  It’s been known that small shards of Kuvachim have been known to fall to lower dimensions, though how or why this happens is unknown.
  Kuvachim Themself often appears as a stony, four-legged creature. Their body is a dull gray with veins of darker grey running in radial patterns centered on the chest. Their four legs end in bright, purple, flaming points. Around Their waist is a metallic belt that splays out into two large tails that hang off Kuvachim’s sides. Across Their shoulders and upper arms, ribbons of the same stony texture as the body can always be seen flowing in a nonexistent wind. Their muscular arms end in oddly humanoid hands, complete with fingernails and all. Bright purple light can be seen glowing in the center chest. Their head is covered in a stony cloth that seemingly cannot be removed by any means known to dimensional scholars. Around Their head, a large flat metal ring can be seen orbiting like a halo. The top side of this ring is always emanating a bright purple fire.

Aravoth - 10

Aravoth is the final dimension that scholars on Ghaile know of. It’s the location beyond Kuvachim. This dimension has never actually been seen by any Ghaile mortals but, it has been seen by higher dimensional beings. They describe it as a central control point for the omniverse, the place where the Akashic Record lies, and is kept to.
  The Akashic Record is a sort of omniversal DNA or base code to everything. When interacting with Briah, it’s composed of incredibly small subatomic particles known as ebbs. These ebbs constantly flit back and forth between the 10th and 3rd dimension. While in the Aravoth, they get instructions on how to act in Briah. These ebbs make up everything in the omniverse, and depending on how they vibrate and interact with one another, they can create different things. The ebbs are also how magic is cast on Ghaile. Through various methods, certain creatures are able to manipulate the ebbs in order to cause them to do different things. By causing the ebbs to take the form of an object or creature, they can summon things. By causing them to generate an incredible amount of energy, spellcasters can launch fire or lightning. By manipulating the base code of the omniverse, theoretically, anything is possible.
  The Akashic Record is tended to by the Qafsiel who are led by Aravoth Themself. What these Qafsiel actually do is entirely unknown.
  When Aravoth manifests on Ghaile they often take a vaguely humanoid form, although this humanoid form has often been described as the stuff of nightmares. They have pale skin and Their body is cloaked in a large flowing black robe. Seven arms reach out from underneath this cloak, each bearing a large eye in the center of the hand. Their face is gaunt and missing its lower jaw. In its place, a large mass of tentacles slowly writhes around. Their eyes are pale and appear to be blind. An infinite number of black feathery wings seem to constantly be emanating from Their back. In Their hands, They’re often described holding some sort of golden fruit and a large book with incomprehensible writing. The nature or purpose of these objects is unknown.
  Aravoth is also home to the Supreme Being. This being has full control over the Akashic Record and thus full control over the omniverse. It’s said that the current acting Supreme Being isn’t the first and there could be in fact an infinite number of Supreme Beings before Them. Scholars often describe the Supreme Being as an unknowable figure with seven large crystals orbiting them. These crystals are actually Kuvachim; it’s unknown whether or not these seven crystals each lead to their own location or if they all lead into the Kuvachim that contains Ghaile. It’s also said that the Qafsiel might be retired Supreme Beings, but this is unknown.


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