Getninia Prohibition of Pandroi within Nimeara

Prohibition of Pandroi within Nimeara

Religious event


Queen Arax Artashad II bans Pandroi from being prosyletised or practiced within the Kingdom's borders. Centuries of Pandroi influence in Nimearan hinterlands had seeped into the Holy Land of Ashvetism, with a community within the capital.

The prohibition of the religion brought tensions with Gallaca, although nothing serious came of it. Thousands of people were forced to convert to Ashvetism or be exiled Nimeara at large, and much of the Kingdom's hinterlands became uninhabited in large regions. Much of the exiled halflings fled into the former regions of the ancient Kingdom, where they were welcomed by their fellow former subjects. This would cause internal strife within the Dual Monarchy in the years to come.

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