Aarakocra Species in Getninia | World Anvil


Basic Information


Aarakocra possess a comparatively unique body plan in contrast to most other sentient races in the known world. They maintain an upright posture with six limbs, two wings, two arms, and two legs. Their arms and legs are tipped with talons, which can be used to grasp large objects and scratch things, though only the upper talons on their arms can be used to grasp and manipulate small objects. Aarakocra have birdlike faces possessing two eyes and a single back, as well as small ears holes that are not easily visible. Aarakocra skin is protected by a dense covering of water resistant feathers. Aarakocra have been likened to birds of prey, especially eagles in their overall appearance.

Biological Traits

Aarakocra are among the shortest lived species, with most not generally living past thirty years of age. Instead ancestral memories, and specialized undead have become staples of most Aarakocra societies in the known world. Those who have access to powerful magics in certain monastic or druidic fields have been known to live much longer, though for Aarakocra without these tools will almost never more than forty five years even with the best healthcare in the known world. Exact lifespans vary depending on the individuals own physical health, access to healthcare resources, and especially magic.   Aarakocra have a body type that can best be described as petite, rarely standing much more than one and half meters in height, and due to their hollow bones and light build tend to weigh between forty and forty five kilograms. This makes them smaller than their owlfolk cousins but still noticably taller than most of the smallfolk. They are however noticeably shorter than most humans, and they are absolutely dwarfed by goliaths and orcish peoples. The closest comparison in overall build Aarakocra have is elves whom share a similar stature and overall body weight. Aarakocra are known generally as being extremely agile and graceful, especially in the air.   Aarakocra do have some variety of ethnic traits depending on where in the known world they reside. The Qwarshi and Aarui groups which represent the largest populations in the known world have golden feathers and yellow eyes. Other smaller groups have variances in feather coloration, and eye color with a rare few possessing non-Aquiline features, most often exchanging raptor-like features for those of songbirds, and more rarely. Aarakocra that look like Corvids or Strigiformes are virtually unheard of however.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aarakocra generally prefer to live in small, tight nit communities consisting of extended families of, typically around three generations with elders forming the core of the family grouping. These groups form the basis of most Aarakocra societies with larger, more complex societies generally being composed of these family units, and their structures taking on a generally similar shape. Aarakocra cities are quite rare, with most of these birdfolk preferring smaller towns, but generally organize eldership councils comprised of the most experienced Aarakocra from each family unit.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aarakocra predominantly are found in Galisea, with the largest single group coming from the Elemental Plane of Air arriving south of the Indric Mountains. The largest single community of Aarakocra lives in the Nabari Plateau, but more than a few smaller groups can be found throughout Southwest, and South Central Galisea. Aarakocra communites outside of Galisea are rare, but more than a few adventurers and mercenaries have been seen in Leandris and Felora as well, often outcast from their homelands.

Average Intelligence

Aarakocra are not known to be especially intelligent, being around average for sentient species. They are capable of forming complex social structures and learning magic. Their greatest strength in this regard however, is in the strong emphasis in most Aarakocra cultures of passing down ancestral knowledge. This has allowed them to maintain difficult skills and knowledge despite the short lifespans of the birdfolk.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aarakocra are generally known for having sharp senses, in particular they have exceptional eyesight, and strong senses of smell. They are capable of seeing infrared during the daylight hours, and can see significantly further away than most humans can. Their smell allows most Aarakocra to detect other animals out to a distance of around two or three hundred meters on average. The only major weakness they have in terms of senses is that they lack the ability to see well in the dark.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The largest single organization of Aarakocra in the known world is the Aerie of Nabiu, which is a modest state on the Nabari Plateau. Aarakocra have outside this state, largely kept to smaller communities. The major exception to this however, is in monastic schools, Aarakocra have a massively outsized membership in monastic schools throughout the known world. As they are refugees from the elemental planes this particularly true for the elemental temples with the Fire Temple and Air Temples being having large portions of their memberships consisting of Aarakocra.

Average Technological Level

The Aarakocra have developed fairly advanced technologies in a number of areas. They, coming from an ancestral ancient homeland lacking in water, and soil, have maximized their capability to grow food with minimal resources, and are masterful horticulturalists. The second of these, is in the field of magic where Aarakocra, have developed an unusually strong talent for healing and necromantic magics. Outside these two fields, Aarakocra society is fairly advanced, but far from lying outside the norm for Southwest Galisea.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Aarakocra typically learn a number of languages. Most of their own native tongues are based on Auran, the language of the elemental plane of air. Auran itself serves as a language of ritual and tradition in most birdfolk societies but rarely sees daily use. For that, the most common languages are Qwarshi, which is spoken in most smaller Aarakocra communities, as well as the dominant language in Nabiu, and Aarui which is generally preferred by Owlin, but does sometimes see use in Aarakocra communities. Many more scholarly sorts or traders will pick up the languages of their neighbors with Cyrenic being especially common.
~25-~35 years, rarely up to ~45 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

DnD (5e) Traits:

Aarakocra Basic Traits

  • Medium Size
  • Base walking speed of 25 feet, flying speed of 50 feet when not wearing medium or heavy armor
  • Proficiency in Common, Aarui, or Qwarshi, and Auran
  • Talons give unarmed strikes 1d4+str slashing damage instead of 1+str bludgeoning damage
  • May cast Gust of Wind once per long rest without requiring material components and using Wisdom as the casting ability.
  • +2 to Dexterity score, +1 to one other ability score

Aarakocra Racial Feats

Cover image: PC Shot by Javak