17th Session Report in Gethen | World Anvil
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17th Session

General Summary

The three companions try to gain admittance to the Courtyard, but the guards don’t like the looks of them, and don’t let them in. Adrie then meets with the attendant at the Temple of Larethian, who gives updates on developments in town, and says Miletus used to work for him before going off there. Meanwhie, Aster talks to some refugees, and learns that the farmlands have been emptying under the orc onslaught. After Brandon’s shopping spree, the three go off to the Golden Cockerel to find Captain Joost of the Nightowl, and convince him to let them sneak on board before the Harpers, headed by Predicant Lorenz, get there. The next morning, the Nightowl departs with the companions in steerage with other travelers, including Nysa, the gnome. The ship is then attacked by a flock of stirges, and the Harpers clear the deck. The party attempts to rescue one of them, and Aster and Brandon are nearly sucked dry, but Adrie succeeds at pulling them all inside. Brandon and Aster get huge welts on their thighs that impede their progress, but they do score a few points with Lorenz. After arriving in Claymore, the three head to the arsenal. They see the damaged town gate, and meet with Tain Beyert, commander of the guard, who imprisons them in the tower after they say they’ve been sent by Esteleth.
Report Date
03 Feb 2018


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