The Hidewalker Character in Genesis | World Anvil
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The Hidewalker

Also known as: the Father, the Father in Many Skins, the Skinwalker, the First, the Old One, the Horned God, the Everchanging, Moon-eyed   Generally considered one of the Great Gods of Genesis, the Hidewalker is the patron god of shapeshifters. He's also associated with a vast number of other things, including but not limited to: Primal Law (rule of the strong/survival of the fittest), transformation, the wild, animals, predators, the hunt, the night, fear, tricksters, and liminal spaces. He's a dark-aligned god.   Though he's most often grouped with the Great Gods as a matter of convenience, the Hidewalker is unlike any of the other true gods and is generally thought to be the oldest and first among them. True to his ever-changing nature, he's quicksilver in his moods and whims, and seems to take interest in mortal affairs entirely at random; if he has any sort of longterm goals, nobody's yet been able to discern them. He's far more likely to involve himself directly than any other of the true gods, though he's dangerous enough that most mortals understand that his presence is often as much a hazard as it is a blessing.  


The Hidewalker's depictions change as much as he does, but the few constants are that he is generally shown as a tall man with antlers, with a draping waistwrap and a hooded cloak that shadows his eyes. His clothing will typically be make of leather or hides, and the mantle of his cloak is trimmed with fur. He'll often be shown with a moon disc, typically as a rotated crescent or full moon colored a bright gold. Other than these details, all else changes; he can be shown with skin and hair of any tone, with or without wings, and potentially displaying any other number of animal features such as fangs, sharp nails, legs that end in paws or hooves, and hands that end in full talons. Though his eyes are never shown, it's assumed that they would be the same bright gold as those of the Reaper.  

Divine Realm

Though it's unlikely to ever be truly confirmed, the Hidewalker is thought to rule over the liminal space known as The Dreamroad, a mist-filled canyon that appears to connect all places simultaneously. While the Dreamroad is most often accessed by mortals in dreams, as its name implies, it's entirely possible to enter it unknowingly while waking if the god wills it.  


Unique among all the true gods, the Hidewalker has no official followers of any kind and cares very little for the formalities of religion. It's thought that he has a certain fondness for the shapeshifters  as his first creations, but shows them no special favor and expects them to earn their way in the world like any other without relying on his assistance. Accordingly, the shapeshifters treat him in a cautiously respectful but not reverential way; less like a god and more like an unpredictable elder relative.   Nonetheless, even if the Hidewalker doesn't actively listen for prayers there are still those who honor him informally. He's respected among the shapeshifters as previously mentioned, but is also the only god acknowledged by many of the sentient beings of Genesis who toe the line between animal and monster. Among humans and elves, he's honored by hunters, woodsmen, and those who frequently live in or travel through the deep wilds.  

Chosen Servants

Similar to his disdain for mortal followers, the Hidewalker has no supernatural servants that carry out his will in the manner employed by the other Great Gods. However, he does share a clear fondness for the Reaper line that he created for his divine sibling in the distant past, and will appear to them more frequently than any other. Most often this is to grant a Reaper access to their powerful shapeshifted form referred to as the Hidewalker's Gift, but he also seems to favor and be genuinely entertained by his creations.   Visitors to the Dreamroad will sometimes mention a large creature of unknown species that lives in the mists and frequently appears by the Hidewalker's side. This being is known by the name Khamet and is theorized to be the spirit-ghost of the first of the Reapers, claimed by the Hidewalker upon death to live as his eternal companion.  

Worship Practice and Holy Days

Despite the Hidewalker's complete lack of regard for prayer, there are still various customs to honor him that have sprung up; first among the shapeshifters, then later among humans and elves following their example. The first blood of a kill is often dedicated to the god, with many of those who follow the custom wearing a pendant of horn or bone to symbolically smear with blood in lieu of fangs. Some hunters will also carry blades crafted entirely of antler sharpened to a razor edge and will dedicate their kills made with these blades in the same way. While all beasts of the wild are thought to be tied to the Hidewalker, crows are thought to be his watchful eyes and carry the news of the world to his ears; as such, they're treated with respect when possible and farmers clearing new land out of the forests will try to offer them alternate ways to feed themselves other than robbing the fields.   While the Hidewalker is a god with little sympathy, he's not cruel. One aspect of his philosophy often misunderstood by those who don't follow him is that rule of the strong means subjugation of the weak; while the Hidewalker encourages predators to follow and assert their essential natures, he disapproves of tyranny and violence for violence's sake. He stands for the purity of the natural order, where disputes are settled cleanly and straightforwardly without resentment, and has little patience for those who claim to respect him but act in a way he finds distasteful.   He has no official holy days, but his sacred time is the night. It's thought that the Hidewalker likes to wander abroad on nights of the full or new moon, and those who honor him say that those are the nights that his watchful presence is felt most strongly.  

Associated Mythology

Once, in the old days when humanity was new, men shivered in the night and feared what lurked unseen beyond the light of their fires. They didn't have the great walls and bright steel of the elves to keep the darkness at bay, and the elves had little love for men in those days and drove them into the deep wild places of the world where hungry things lurked in wait, and those early men suffered greatly for it.
It was here in the wild places that men first met with the shapeshifters, the Hidewalker's beloved first children, and though they cared little for these new people the shapeshifters took pity on humanity and took them in. They taught them how to live with the earth, and how to hunt and clothe themselves, and taught them of the laws of the wild that show respect to the Father in Many Skins. But though the shapeshifters were generous with what they had humans lusted for what could never be taught or given: the gift that the Hidewalker gave the shapeshifters alone, the power to change their form into the beasts and birds of the wild.
So resentment grew in the hearts of men, and in time they thought that they could take for themselves the power that they so desperately wanted. Through treachery and poison they did what they could not through strength alone, and betrayed the shapeshifters who had showed them kindness. And they ate of the flesh of those shapeshifters, as a predator eats of its prey, and then stood before the Hidewalker and demanded his favor because in their eyes they were most worthy of his gifts.
But the Hidewalker is a god quickly moved to anger, and though he is distant and wild he loves the shapeshifters that are his children, and he was filled with rage when he saw what the first kings of men had done. And he cursed those first men with the power that they had lusted after: that they would change their shapes forevermore, immortal and in wracking pain, despised as monsters by all that looked upon them.

Holy Symbol

god of primal law, shapeshifters,
transformation, and the wild

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