Nolox Species in Gelathur | World Anvil
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Noloxen are four legged creatures that feeds on natural magic, is a creature that live in the far north and has been domesticated by the nolharian tribes. The noloxen have fur, produce milk and due to not having the necesity of eating and have no digestive organs, have a lot of meat in their body. With a herd of several noloxen you can feed several nolharians with the milk, and make them clothes with the fur and wool. Also killing one nolox can feed dozens of nolharians for one day, or if you can maintain the meat in good state, last a month for one nolharian. They only requiere supersion and protection as they do not have the need to eat, as they feed solely on natural magic.
  • Nolharian noloxherd

Basic Information


Nolcows have four legged hooved creatures, with one head, two eyes and ears, four great horns if they are males, one tail and one big mouth to feed on magic.

Genetics and Reproduction

Noloxen reproduce sexualy, in the first or second months of the year, the male will mate with the female, who will get pregnant and gestate for fourteen months.

Growth Rate & Stages

After being born the nolox will spend two or three years growing slowly, if it is male it will start growing horns by then, if it is a female it will start producing milk and be able to get pregnant. And around five years they would have grown to more or less the most they will. At fifteen years the female nolox will stop producing milk and loses fertility.

Ecology and Habitats

Noloxen can live anywhere there is natural magic to feed on. But due to the passing of time they gone extint in most places except in the Nolharian tribes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Noloxen are magivores.

Biological Cycle

Noloxen will grow fur constantly that can be harvested every several months. Female noloxen produce milk during six months of the year.

Additional Information


Noloxen are domesticated for their fur and wool, milk and meat. Nolharians tend to harvest the wool of the noloxen at the end of the coldest month of the year, to then allow it to grow for the rest. They also harvest the milk produce by the females druing the six months that is produced. When a female cannot get pregnant any more or a male cannot get a female pregnant they are killed for the meat if they need it.
20-25 years
Average Height
2.4-2.8 metres
Average Weight
2000-2500 kg
Average Length
3-3.5 metres

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