The Prophetess Character in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil

The Prophetess

Prophetess is a half-mythological figure, responsible for a creation of Khardism, one of the great monotheistic religions that are now important players in the The Great Game. Making her one of the most important and influential people to ever live in this world. In the same time, actual knowledge about her is mostly composed of myths and legends, truth behind which is only now deciphered by a variety of scholars.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prophetess was born somewhere in the south-western part of the Beastmen-controlled part of Lana continent. Most of the legends seem to indicate she was taken as a slave during one of the beastman internal wars - judging from the way the Cat-morphs are normally treated in slavery, it probably wasn't anything pleasant. She would probably end up one more slave concubines of some moderately important beastman warlord, if not for another thing that most of the myths seem to agree upon.   The area controlled by the tribe that hold her captive was raided, this time by outsiders. Such raids are pretty common, as beastmen slaves are pretty valuable. The history of her enslavement outside of the beastmen lands is unknown. She seems to have for a quite long time (definitely longer than she would do in her original slavery), and was somehow freed. She decided to return to the beastmen lands, after receiving a 'divine revelation'. Many believe that she was freed from her slavery by Inrithians , whose beliefs could influence her. Whether she made the religion up (which, due to how the Dark works meant that it became real once her teachings spread) or she was truly contacted by something remains up to debate.   Beastmen of that time were almost exclusively ruled by a variety of Tyrants - lesser eldritch abominations, who long ago enslaved their ancestors. Each village or town lived in fear of the absolute power of the local Priest-Kings. They were responsible for the bloody sacrifices to the Tyrants, and always choose those they didn't like - or the prisoners taken during the raids. It was a hell of perpetual tyranny, with any attempts to raise against the Priest-Kings ending with the Tyrants' personal intervention - each of them lived in their temples quite literally. However, Prophetess changed that.   Right after she landed in one of the harbor towns, she simply walked into nearest temple. Local Priest-King was busy making another sacrifice to the local Tyrant. Whatever happened there, it was the Prophetess that walked out from the temple. With head of the Priest-King in her hands, and with the building burning to the ground behind her. A feat thought impossible by even the mightiest of the beastman warriors. Whole armies of them perished while trying to do that.   Needless to say, this gave her authority. And she used it. She preached to the crowds about life without fear, and without having their hearts ripped out on the bloodsoaked altars for disagreeing with those who ruled them. She reorganized the town, employing knowledge on this that must have come from the time she spend outside of Lana. She healed the sick. And when the first army of the Priest-Kings came to annihilate the blasphemers - their Tyrants with them - she called down Yhrezerach, First Shard of Zealotry, a khardic equivalent of an archangel.   It wasn't a battle. It wasn't an annihilation. A massacre. Coldblooded murder. Those who stood beside her and saw Yhrezerach effortlessly slaying their supposedly undefeated and omnipotent eldritch overlords never forgot the sight. From that on, the new faith spread like wildfire. Soon the blessings of Overtyrant on her grew so powerful that Tyrants fell and their temples were set ablaze merely by the Prophetess standing before them.   What stopped her from conquering entirety of the beastman lands was her death. She was already quite old when she returned to Lana. After she died, her followers continued their crusade, but they lacked the strength to fully succeed. Despite this, a significant chunk of the beastman lands was taken, and the Holy Kingdom of Khard was created. Today, the tomb of the Prophetess is believed to be the most holy places of khardism.


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