Gale Prime Timeline Timeline
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Prime Timeline

This is the main timeline up until the first era, where timelines may diverge due to role-player's interactions with the world.

Eosos Era

8,000,000,000 AM - 0 PM

According to The Script , there was a time where all that was the universe was Velrie . This era was a time of only goodness, a time before pain, misery, disease, death, and famine. A time before sin.  

In the beginning Velrie was alone, Velrie was all. The Almighty Venerated created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the shroud of night hung over the waters. And Velrie said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Velrie saw that the light was his own and therefore good, so he segregated the light from the dark.
  It is during the final stretch of the Eosos Era that Velrie created Madame and Reeve in the garden of Zabel. Although created by the Infallible, humanity could not possibly sustain the purity of a god. Over time, like rotting fruit, humanity began suffer pain, misery, disease, death, and famine all through their own doing. In fact it was @[Madame & Reve] who disobeyed Velrie and unleashed the plague of sin and suffering upon mankind.Although Velrie desired to eradicate evil from the world, it was too late to remove @[The Sinner's Seed] from the souls of humanity, as it had already taken root in all human beings.   For the rest of the era, @[Madame & Reeve] wandered the world, enduring every suffering the inherent evil of mankind had in store for them. After 2234 years, Velrie saw that humanity was too far gone and evil was rampant. It pained Velrie so dearly that he wept for 9 days and 9 nights, his tears flooding the world, the shudders from his cries shook the world and wiped out all of humanity except for his most faithful whose prayers literally kept them afloat. (See @[Diluvium: Doubt of Mirna]   @[The Gale], or [url=]The Great Gale marked the end of the old world and the beginning of Purus Mundus or "a clean world".

The Primeval Era

0 PM - 2334 PM

Also known as The First Era

  • 0 PM

    The Great Purge
    Disaster / Destruction

    A colossal flood wipes out most of the inhabitants and civilizations of the world.