Some work is being done on global world styling in between work hours by Sierra. Some articles may have two tables of contents visible during this period.

The Trizinov

Written by Sierra Brown.
Artwork by Sierra Brown.


The three-person leadership of the Arshanov Federation. Each Director within the UASF's Trizinov oversees a specific sector of the government - Internal, Foreign, and Military.

Consisting of the three most powerful people in the Arshanov Federation, the Trizonov serves as the Federation's head of government. Each Director is responsible for the governing of one of the three main divisions of the Arshan government - The Military, Internal Affairs , and Foreign Affairs. While each person holds absolute authority over their given sector, they work with eachother to ensure their policies and decisions work well together.


Some recent examples of Trizonov collaboration include: The internal restructuring of the military and pseudo-military branches to better work with the new 'Command Tier and Seniority' based ranking systems; A redesign of the uniform for the entire Federal military; And the combined efforts of the entire current Trizonov in enacting new policy aimed towards more accessible integration and immigration from the neighbouring Republic of Sion.


With the exception of the Admiral Director, which is promoted to their position following peer review and vote of the military's branch commanders, Directors are selected by public vote from a pool of eligible persons. Generally, this pool of candidates comes from members of the previous Director's top-level staff and the current branch commanders. These elections are run whenever the current Director retires, dies, or is determined unfit by either the Trizonov or the majority of his top-level staff.


Admiral Director

Main article: Admiral Director

The Admiral Director possesses authority over the remaining branches of the UASF's military (Alfa, Delta, Fokstrot, and Tango Forces), holding absolute authority over each branch. The military itself does not operate under a vote-based system. Instead, authority is granted by higher joint decision of ranking persons.

Ambassador Director

Main article: Ambassador Director

The Ambassador Director maintains diplomacy and serves as the face of the UASF to other factions by managing contact with foreign states and parties of interest. This is done while retaining close ties with the Director of Statehood to ensure the Federation's interests are protected. They also oversee the operations of both the military intelligence department and the espionage division of the Arshan military.

Placeholder Image (5:3) by Sierra Brown

Director of Statehood

Main article: Director of Statehood

The Director of Statehood serves as the internal face of the UASF and commander-in-chief of the defensive branch of the Arshan military, (Zulusskiy Defence Forces). Their primary purpose is to manage and oversee inter-planetary communications, trade, industry, and other civilian sectors of the Federation.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Political, Triumvirate

Cover image: Sairis Helosi Portrait, Galaxies End Logo, & Arshan Emblem by NovaCandy & Sierra Brown


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Mar 14, 2022 11:51

An interesting way to lead a country. For some reason first real life comparison I thought about was the Council of State that existed in Poland during the communist times :D

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