The Mirksisters of Corpse Reef Character in Gaio | World Anvil
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The Mirksisters of Corpse Reef

The Sisterhood of the Drowned

In a hidden, shadowy corner of the elemental plane of water is a place known in stories told by mortal sailors as the Corpse Reef, and it is in these sinister waters that the trio of sea-witches known as the Mirksisters rule.   According to legend, a dark magic resonates from the Corpse Reef, a magic that draws the bodies of all those who drown at sea into its clutches. Among this orchard of bloated, decaying mortal corpses, the Mirksisters rule in some macabre parody of a noble court. Other denizens of the elemental plane of water avoid the reef, for the sisterhoods possess powerful magics and brook no intrusion from other entities without their permission.   But the Mirksisters do not sit idly within their watery domain. A well known superstition among mortal sailors speaks of how the Mirksisters will appear before a poor, desperate soul, shipwrecked and adrift upon the waves. They offer salvation from the cold, dark embrace of the sea, but always a hidden, terrible price must be payed by those who accept their offer. Other stories tell of how the sisters occasionally offer bargains to stranded mortals, granting them eldritch boons and gifts to aid them in achieving their desires. But then one day, the Mirksisters come to collect on the debt, usually ending in the deep misery of the indebted mortal.   In an eerie twist of fate, exactly three sea shanties exist among mortal societies concerning the Mirksisters, and while the details vary among them, they all contain the same warning; the price of the Mirksisters’ salvation is always high. What the Mirksisters ultimately want is a mystery to all others. Their goals and motives are as unfathomable as the murky waters of the Corpse Reef itself, and that is just how the sisters like to keep it.  


Sailor stories tell that the Mirksisters appear as three mortal females, though clearly they are anything but mortal. Their skin is pale, greyish and soft like the flesh of a submerged cadaver. Their hair hangs lank, brittle and dripping with saltwater, strung through with fronds of seaweed and algae, which obscures much of their faces. Through the hair one can see their eyes, each a different color, shining with an eerie, luminous light. Rivulets of seawater constantly dribble from their mouths, and they speak with a haunting gurgle, disturbingly reminiscent of a person drowning.   Most strikingly, each sister appears to be of a different age, though they each refer to the others as sister. The first sister, known as Ainoki, appears as a young girl around the age of 10. Of all the sisters, Ainoki appears the most human except for her mouth which is lined with small, needle-like teeth.   The second sister, Vellama, looks to be a human woman of early middle-age, but her eldritch nature is much more evident than Ainoki’s. Barnacles and growths of coral seem to push out of her skin, and her lipless mouth is stretched wide, revealing rows of teeth like a sharks.   Louhita is the final sister, and the most disturbing to look upon. She resembles an elderly human grandmother, but from each of her wrists sprout not hands, but three writhing tentacles like those of an octopus. Her mouth is round and puckered, filled with rings of inward-pointing teeth like a lampreys.   Ainoki is always the first to speak with the mortals that the sisters appear before. It is she who offers those poor, unfortunate souls a path to salvation. Vellama then warns that the sisters gifts will come with a cost, but never does she reveal what that cost will be. And finally, if the mortal succumbs to the sisters’ promises, Louhita steps forward, her wet, clammy tentacles clasping hard to seal the bargain.
Ascending silhouettes of three female figures, surrounded by ripple-lines   Fronds of kelp and seaweed forming three rings, decorated with shells and pieces of driftwood.
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