Living in the world of Gaia in Gaia | World Anvil

Living in the world of Gaia

Gods and Spirituality

The Gods take an interest and regular part of mortal life, if you are making waves in Gaia in any way you will eventually meet one of the Deities even if you don't realize it.   Every town or city will have at least one temple or memorial to a Deity and it will be a good gauge on what to expect from the location, although with Harmony being above all else it is not uncommon to find believers of all types worshiping the same Deity in different ways throughout Gaia.     Deities are most often referred to by a title or alternative name as opposed to their true name. A true name of a deity spoken by a devout believer can hold great power, but that same name spoken by a false believer may draw unwanted attention. Every Npc and Player will have a patron Deity, unless you violate a value of that deity you are considered to have their favor, it is possible but rare for mortals to receive the favor of other deities.


When in someone's home they have a level of extra power granted to them by the magic they have weaved into it by just living there. The longer the home has stood and the more life experienced in it increases that power.

This over time has created the tradition of when being welcomed as a guest into a Hearth one should at least appear to be cordial, respectful and draw no weapon. This will also extend to them the protection of the host as long as the guest does not break the unwritten agreement of hospitality.  


Crafting is still a system I am creating and fine tuning, but will work with players individually as the game progresses.

Recipes to make magic items will be found in treasure troves, shops and libraries across Gaia. You will probably find the recipe or a key item for crafting during your main campaign but in order to get everything needed to craft it you may need to schedule some side quest adventures with the DM.

You may find a book or rare recipe early on, it may be so old that all of the magical properties of the item are not even listed, these items will take a long time to make and if desired will be a long term goal of your character not something gotten in one side quest. These are meant to be things your characters will be proud of and earned, items worthy of names not just prefixes and suffixes :p

Some things to note about crafting:
  • Most Magic items will have at least 1 or 2 rare components
  • Rare and Legendary Item Recipes from a Deity will usually have a material that can only be sourced from that Deity.
  • There will be Deity Weapon Boons that can be crafted into most other item recipes
  • Recipes that include a Deity's Materials are attuned to that deity and the power in them can only be used by someone in favor with that Deity.
  • Being a spellcaster or having a spellcasters help (npc or pc) is required due to materials needing to be imbued with different spells for different results.

Alcohol Is Rare

The fermentation process itself creates a magical effect that spoils the materials. With the perfect magical recipe and the favor of Daghdha grains that are able to be fermented into beer, the amount of magical power and knowledge to make any liqueur is all but non-existent.

That being the case there are no bars in Gaia. The inns and taverns of Gaia often serve different smokeable herbs and fae foods for social recreation and enjoyment. A few settlements based near large cities or with a local brewer have beer as well.