The Grand Plains Geographic Location in Gaia | World Anvil

The Grand Plains

The Grand Plains is a vast expanse of grassland with few trees in the valley of the mountains and river to the northeast known as the Marche of Giants and to the southwest To the Abandon of Ancients. The vast land is known to experiance extreme storms in the form of thudnerstorms and tornadoes. Fueled by the large lake known as the Vasty Deep and the cooler winds coming in from the Landcaster Bay. It is tipped in the Central-south-west with a small rainforest known as The Garsfolde Rainforest.  
"All within the plains is outside any of the national influences. It is home to many Hovels, and farms that are owned by Man. Mer and Beast alike. I swear there are even some dragon-built farms out here too. The Plains are a wild land, vast with adventure and small towns to find work in for those who love traveling."
~Cartographer Ian Miles, Guild of Lore

A Clash of Interesting Neutrality

Within this region lays several races that are normally seen as agitators within thier reagions. People who do not want thier typical way of life often find peace here in the plains and form a farm, ranch, or hamlet with-like-minded individuals. It also is what Consular and the Alliance consider a symbol of cooperation that Gaia can live as one.


The land is a valley that took milions of years of smooth carving and flattering from the winds that blasted between the two mountain ranges that reside on each side of Sahandra. It is presumed that this was formed by Glaicers billions of years ago. The region is vast fertile land for farms, and smooth hills. No Nation claims any soverignty ovder the region save for independant farms and some dragons from Dov-Dramach. Itr is largely an unmcontested region that is undergoing heavy Guild of Lore investigation for the Intercontil Highway.


The Ecosystem is that of a massive grassland, it is among the largest of all of Gaia. Herds of horses, and birds known as Chiik run freely in the lands. Some of these are hunted by Dragons that flew too far East from Dov-Dramach. However small towns do pop up around the plains, they are however ravaged by a vicious cycle of severe storms due to the landscape producing Windstorms, Thunderstorms, and Tornadoes. This season of Severe weather lasts from late Spring to early Fall. While the winter is cold and wet.

"The Grand Plains seem to be a very boring place to live, but on the contrary it is peaceful for the most part, and yet exciting with the severe weather, accompanied by the occasional Mass Dragon sightings. It is known to be a place of Division, where the civilized nations are split from the untamed wilds of Western Sahandra."
~Sauun Shalape, Gaia Chronicle Project.

Gateway to the Land of Dragons

In the north-werstern part of the plains the Abandon of Ancients breaks away to a valley within a valley. Marked by Mount Obsidian and Lake Dovdrumd, this is the most easiest way to access the wild western half of Sahandra into the lands of the Dragon, Dov-Dramach. The guild of Lore is unable to access much of the lands beyond here due to the terrritorial disputes of Dragons, whom have a history of ruling Ancient Gaia.   However, not all is bleak, a few dragons oversee the towns and hamlets that dot the western half of the plains. A dragon sighting is considered a sign of good luck. It also reminds people of the majesty of what ruled the continent in years past.


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