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The World of Gaelinar

At the brass tacks level, Gaelinar is essentially similar to other temperate, earth-like planets found in any multiverse, with colder climes along the furthest northern and southern hemispheres of the globe and warmer along the central equator. That said, the world is remarkably lush and colorful in the wilder parts of the world, while more populous locations and hubs for Aetherium harvest and development are beginning to show the wear and tear of resource depletion.


Galinar is a world of green grasslands and forests, orange-red dust and rocks, and cold, white winter lands surrounded by green-blue water. The planet is made up of two immense continents that very nearly form a sort of pangea-like single land mass were it not for an ocean that runs nearly the full length of the equatorial divide.   Towards the north is the continent of Meiritol, where most of the forests and mountains can be found. Along the northern half of Meiritol one can find a series of powerful peaks known as the Crown of the Gaelin, which is mostly made up of cold, grey-blue stones and tundra forests. Further south towards the Splitting Sea, the weather warms and rocks give way to rolling hills and forests, until the shoreline clears into nearly sheer cliffs that cut the continent off from its southernly neighbor.   The southern continent of Mergel features a similar shoreline along its northern half of sheer cliff face at its edge of the Splitting Sea, though moving away from the shoreline bears warmer climates and similarly tropical life. As travel moves away from the shore to the southern-most reaches, the weather once more cools into rich forests and verdant hills which smooth into flat, sub-arctic plains and finall an arctic icy wasteland at the southern pole.   In sections dotted across both continents, the impacts of Aetherium harvest, machinery and population can be felt. Green grass and trees give way to rusty sands and rock as sheets and sheets of earth are torn away to get to veins of the now-precious mineral. Most of humanity, in its desire to advance its new understanding and protect itself from the warring gods above, have all but united together in these new, industrailized locations. Nearly gone now are the villages that lived in harmony with the land; where people populate, almost no natural life flourishes but for what can be maintained sustainbly for food and material purposes.

Fauna & Flora

Similarly to other earth-likes, Gaelinar carries a familiar array of vegitation and animal life that will likely be welcome to any planeswalking travelers: deciduous and evergreen trees; rumbling herds of buffalo-like gaerox; wolves; fish; whales; birds and more are not uncommon in this land.   Some of the most remarkable creatures in this world, however, are those known as the Indomitables These fantastical beasts are said to be the first attempts at animal life created by the gods, and harness powers not too dissimilar from the magic that would have perhaps been gifted to humanity were the gods not in disagreement. These beasts are often large in size, scaling between as small as nine to ten feet in height to as high as twenty feet and around twenty to thirty feet in length.   These Indomitables often are similar in shapes to legendary beats of other worlds, be they pegasi, dragons, or golems, though they hold no intelligence that allows them to commune witth human life and are even considered to have had their tether to the gods removed. They hold great physical and magical power to the point that they are said to have never been slain despite human advances in Aethitek.   While these creatures are often the apex predators in their particular regions along the two continents of the world, they still manage to find a way to live with the natural world they inhabit. As humans have grown outwards from their settlements in their desire for more Aetherium and other resources, though, both the Indomitables and the other creatures of the land are finding some of their holdings shrinking, causing attacks from wild beasts to become a bit more frequent.

Natural Resources

Wood, stone, dirt, sand, water; these are all resources that one can find in Gaelinar. Of the most important to the world, however, is the purple crystalline mineral known as Aetherium.   During one of the many battles of the Celestial Everwars that raged in the skies above, fragments of shattered heavenly steel would rain down as slag from the blows of swords and weapons above in calamitous, comet-like rains. One such piece of detritus would crash into a section of Meiritol with such force that it blew a large crater into part of the continent, unearthing a strange crystal in its wake.   Humans cautiously approached this new crystal, harvested it carefully, and studied with with the finest minds and most daringingly curious scholars of the world at the time. While the origin of this mineral was still as mysterious as it was when it first became unearthed, its power was almost immediately apparent, capable of creating pulses of directed force, casting blue-bright light, providing heat in larger pieces and devastating power when cut, faceted and refined.   Now, the humans of this world have all but become hopelessly dependent on Aetherium and the new form of applied metallurgy and science known as Aethitek as the world mostly unites to strike at the raging sky and free human life from the perceived oppresive yoke of celestial influence.

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