The Teknikari Profession in Gaelinar | World Anvil
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The Teknikari

While the pursuit of Aethitek is forefront in the mortal world of Gaelinar, there will be no other vaunted position than that of the Teknikari. These are the best and brightest of all aspects of Aethitek creation, from design to manufacture, representing some of the mortal world's keenest minds and most skill artisans.



The title of Teknikar is usually granted by seniority, as those who have spent years in the field of research, creation and design of Aethitek have built connections and a reputation among those in the field and the general populace. There are, however, a few rare instances where someone from the more common walks of life has been found to have a latent talent for understanding or designing Aethitek and thus been named a member of the Teknikari.

Career Progression

A Teknikar works their way from the lowest levels of Aethitek and its related fields, either from the Aetherium mines around the world, from the manufacture of parts, or from working the more mundane tasks asked by underlings in the halls of academia. As a result, the path to being among the Teknikari is a lifelong ambition for many who enter these fields, which means that competition is usually extremely high.   Those who manage to both make the right connections and prove their work is above the rank and file are usually granted an apprenticeship under a ranking Teknikar, This apprenticeship is usually a grueling process and often those who take on charges attempt to push them to the breaking point. The idea being that a heated piece of steel can be better shaped is forefront in the mind of those who train the nextt Teknikari.   After training is complete - a process that generally runs approximately ten years at minimum - the apprentice takes the Teknikum Adavantus, a series of tests that cover all of the major aspects of the potential's chosen field, whether its scholarly, manufacturing-focused, or managerial. Should the potential recruit pass the Teknikum Adavantus, they are granted Yeoman status. Fail, and their shot is over with for life.   Yeomans are, essentially, middle management, granted just enough duties to let the real Teknikari perform their work. Yeomanship is a fixed period of three years, in which time the Yeoman must come up with a whitepaper that explains a new techique, theory, or manufacturing method to be submitted to the Forum Teknikari. This process is something that must be done in tye Yeoman's own spare time, with no outside assistance whatsoever, which usually leads to the most backstabbing, politicking and subterfuge amongst those looking to rise in rank. There have been many scandalous cases where people have delayed Yeomans, attempted to sabotage them, blackmail them, or even outright murder them. All of which receives a blind eye from the Teknikari. Again, hot steel shapes easier.   If a Yeoman's whitepaper is completed and passes the Forum Teknikari's rigorous debate and scrutiny, then the Yeoman is officially granted the title of Teknikar. If a Yeoman fails, they remain in their Yeoman station, where they can resubmit a new whitepaper after a "tempering period" of ten years.

Other Benefits

The Teknikari, short of those who are named dukes and duchesses or other titles of land ownership or governance, are the cream of the societal crop of Gaelinar. Their skill with Aethitek has been well established and perhaps even celebrated among the general populace and they often find themselves in the lap of luxury.   A Teknikar title is a title granted for life, demanding almost no responsibilities of those among the Teknikari. That said, they often still involve themselves deeply in their chosen fields, firmly believing that their names are on the line and having small, friendly rivalries among themselves - a throwback to their prospect and Yeoman days.   This prestige is also often monetary in nature. Teknikari have created designs and techniques that have been directly licensed, earning each member of the Teknikari a regular tithing of Talons (the currency of the world) that usually keeps them in high levels of comfort and material grandeur.

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