Phoenix Cycle Physical / Metaphysical Law in Géfyra | World Anvil
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Phoenix Cycle

Géfyra ’s tectonic process. Lava and energy get released from many deep sea underwater volcanoes around the equator of the planet. This forms into new land masses that make up the thousands of islands all around The Fissure and the rest of the globe, or can even form new continents. As the lava cools into solid rock, it can trap the energies being released by the planet, turning it solid. Thus creating new Fiss Shards. When Fiss Shards are used or destroyed, their energy is released back into nature.   Over thousands of years the continents and islands are pushed towards the poles, where they eventually are compressed into each-other. The poles also appear to be where the energies of The Lost Sector get recollected to feed the world and keep it living.   This mashing of stone and energy creates a lot of heat which then eventually turns the stone into molten magma near the epicenter of the pole, which is then pulled down into the core, and pushed back out near the equator.


Though not always visible, this natural phenomenon can sometimes be seen by the naked eye closer to the poles on. Banners of colored light streaming across the sky, slowly twisting together and combining into the magma that becomes the blood of the planet. Eventually bringing new life to the world of Géfyra .
Phoenix Cycle.png

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