The Imperium Inpero Amphitheatre

The Imperium Inpero Amphitheatre is the main location in which Ithosian Councillors of the Founder's Council of Ithosia debate and enact into law various policies that are intended to make the lives of the citizens of Ithosia better. While many amphitheatres have been built in Ithosia for the purpose of local governance, the Imperium Inpero is not only the oldest and first of its kind, it is also the seat of power for the Republic’s Council.   The Republic's Council discusses matters of national importance, such as international trade and relations, military action, and certain major crimes like treason of state. The amphitheatre is also home to Capita Emporio's local Council of Community, in which matters of local governance are handled.  
Construction History
The Imperium Inpero Amphitheatre was built shortly after the founding of Ithosias and its first official city and capital Capita Emporio several hundred years ago. It was the first major governing decision made by the Founder’s Council of Ithosia, whose formation is intrinsically tied to the origins of the republic, and the stages that lead up to the construction of the amphitheatre. To read the full story of the Founder's Council click here.   Construction of the amphitheatre began a few months after the founding of the capital and was done alongside the construction of many of the city's buildings and infrastructure. Many homes, shops, and other buildings were being constructed at the same time, as a massive influx of people came alongside its official founding. As such, resources, both material and workers, were stretched thin. As such, the amphitheatre took nearly two years to finish and would receive several upgrades and alterations over its first twenty years of existence. During its construction, the council continued to meet regularly on the site, sitting on stone or wooden blocks, or even just the ground itself. Here they would govern and debate until the amphitheatre was fully built.   There is little debate on the origins of the amphitheatre as its history is inscribed along its outer walls. Ithosia’s founding history is depicted along the outside walls in intricate carvings that detail the invading humanoid horde, the retreat and rally of the soon-to-be unified farmers and fishermen of pre-Ithosia, the defeat of the horde, and the founding of Capita Emporio and the Republic of Ithosia. Even an interpretation of the first councillor’s meeting is depicted, the group of sixteen founding councillors gathered around a small Ikorys Tree, which would eventually become the site for the Imperium Inpero Amphitheatre.
Original Architecture
The original design of the amphitheatre consisted of a three concentric circle design. With a large, flat, circular open space in the middle where the presenting councillors could speak. The floor of this section is intentionally kept as dirt flooring to symbolize the councillors staying grounded and humble. A secondary circle of seats, slightly raised from the middle presentation circle used by the councillors who are not currently debating on the theatre's floor. And a third larger circular section, that was separated and raised from the other two, where citizens could sit and watch the councillors in session. This last section was designed so that the citizen's voices could be carried to the floor, to ensure that citizens voices were always heard. This has been problematic at times, as unpopular opinions can easily be drowned out by a large crowd.   The entire amphitheatre from the central presentation floor, to the last row of the citizen's circle, rises by roughly 100 feet. The dimensions of the amphitheatre are 510 ft. x 590 ft. (width) x 100 ft. (height). And despite the various changes over the years, the dimensions have been kept roughly the same since its initial construction.   The people of Ithosia believe that a constant presence of water is important to the good fortune of any building or person in the Ithosian capital. As such, the amphitheatre has several water features and fountains and is only a twenty-minute walk from the coast of the Vilanto Sea.   The amphitheatre was originally built in the town’s central district, but over its several hundred-year history the city has expanded considerably and is now located in the western quarter of Capita Emporio.
The Great Tsunami - Extensive Reconstruction
Roughly one hundred years ago, the Eruption of Ua’eha Mountain in the Vilanto Sea occurred. This volcanic eruption was the largest of its kind in modern history and caused significant damage across dozens of islands in the Island Frontier of the Vilanto Sea. However, it also caused significant issues for the cities peppered across the southern coast of Fyria, including Capita Emporio. The eruption caused several large earthquakes to occur, one of which was the cause of an enormous wave that struck Capita Emporio. The wave struck the capital, destroying and washing away hundreds of buildings, and killing nearly a thousand people. It was and still is the worst natural disaster to hit Ithosia in its history.   One of the buildings that was damaged in this wave was the Imperium Inpero Amphitheatre. The amphitheatre was significantly hit, having several portions of its walls completely collapse, and many of the circular rows of seating crumbling into large open pits. Miraculously the Ikorys Tree that sits in the central court of the amphitheatre was only slightly damaged and was able to make a complete recovery. It is said, if the tree ever falls or dies, the downfall of the republic will follow soon afterwards.   Unfortunately, many of the carved murals on the outer walls were destroyed or damaged as well. Over the next several years, the amphitheatre would be repaired, and upgrades would be installed. Including restoring the outer walls mural, adding newly painted murals in the inner corridors, installing new sewage and water systems, and adding a new garden wing to the amphitheatre east quarter. And the construction of a permanent water barrier that now sits outside of the amphitheatre, in the hopes that if another wave occurs it will help in protecting the amphitheatre from severe damage.
One of the first decisions agreed upon by the Founder’s Council of Ithosia was the construction of the Imperium Inpero Amphitheatre in the republics' new capital, Capita Emporio. The amphitheatre would be a place in which councillors could govern, and the citizens of the newly founded nation could keep watch and have their voices heard during debates. And to this day, despite a few alterations, has remained a place of policy debate and decision for both local and national levels of governance.
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