The Badru'ta Sand Scavengers Ethnicity in Fyria | World Anvil

The Badru'ta Sand Scavengers

The Badru have been around for as long as anyone in Baïzair can recall, by their current name they can be found as far back as the founding of Povari Trade Outpost several hundred years ago. But even before that, the Badru people can trace their ancestry back to the nomads that remained neutral during the ancient battles between the northern and southern sects in pre-Baïzair. These nomads lived life similarly to their modern-day Badru descendants, living life off of the few natural resources hidden by the sands of the desert, and trading with others when they could for necessities not easily available.
Lifestyle and Living Conditions
The Badru'ta Sand Scavengers do as their name suggests, they search the sand dunes and junk piles of the Badru'ta Desert in search of valuable items that they can then either use themselves or trade to others for supplies and services. They do so by leading a semi-nomadic life, where part of their tribe will stay behind in somewhat permanent encampments for several weeks at a time, while the other part of their tribe sets out and searches the surrounding desert for valuables. The latter half can be dangerous, as travelling the desert without protection from the elements can be very dangerous, especially with sudden sand storms and the wandering storm known as Anak'jo Buri posing a sudden and immediate life-threatening danger. The desert is also home to dangerous creatures that dwell in and around the sand dunes, ready to pounce at the opportunity for a much-needed meal.   Despite the danger though, the Badru are a happy people and can often be found playing games and fooling around in the desert when they aren't actively searching for treasure. Using make-shift boards to surf down sand dunes, playing friendly games of chance with each other, and even playing pranks on each other using the wide variety of debris around.   They raise their children as a collective, with the whole tribe, which usually only consists of a few dozen at most, taking a hand in raising the children. Though the biological parents usually have a slightly more intimate relationship and hand in rearing and nurturing their children than their extended tribal family. Children are taught the core values of the tribes, how to be tough, careful, and keen whilst out in the desert. And they are also taught the necessities of how to deal with the harsh conditions of the desert, where to find food and water, and how to interact with those from outside of their tribes.
Codes of Honour
Junkers Honour
The Badru are an honourable people, and if they stumble upon a junk pile and intend on scavenging it they must first look for signs of other Badru tribesman.   If a tribe has placed their mark upon the pile, then it is claimed and another pile must be found. The rule is that once the harsh sands of the Badru'ta rub the markings off the pile is once again fair game.   If any tribe intentionally ignores a mark they are temporarily exiled from trade between the tribes as punishment. If this rule is ignored multiple times permanent exile from the unified tribes may occur.
Unified Tribes
While there are several dozen small tribes of Badru that work independently of one another, the Badru considers all as one large collective. As such, if one tribe stumbles upon another they must give them their due respect and at least stop to share a word or drink together.   If one tribe discovers another in trouble they must do their best to assist the struggling tribe in getting back on their feet. This may include discounted or even free trade to the struggling tribe. Or in extreme cases where the struggling tribe is unable to provide anything of value in trade, they will instead offer a future favour that can be called upon once the tribe is on their feet again. This often takes the shape of future discounts, some sort of favour, or even sharing access to a prized junk pile.
Open for Business
The Badru follow a simple trade rule of, listening to all offers and considering all merchants to be on the same level unless previously interacts say otherwise.   They are always willing to barter, and will gladly trade if they are given a fair deal, as long as the merchant hasn't given them poor dealings in the past.   If a Badru tribe has been given a bad deal or duped in any way a merchant may find themselves blacklisted from dealings with several if not all of the Badru tribes depending on the severity of the issue.

The people of the Badru hold little value in physical beauty, as most of the time, they have to keep almost fully covered in order to protect themselves from the elements and dangers of the desert. Instead, the Badru conduct themselves by simpler values of endurance and constitution. Respecting those within their tribes and outside that can survive within the harsh conditions of the desert without complaint. Able to survive off the meagre, and sometimes disgusting, meals provided within the desert during lean times.   They also value a keen mind, and those amongst them that can barter a good deal are often praised and put into roles of honour and power as leaders of their tribes. If one can broker a good deal with the cheapest of merchants, they can easily lead their own band of often rowdy Badru.
Animal Husbandry
The Badru are experts in animal husbandry and have been able to domesticate several local breeds of animals that give them several advantages out in the wilds of the desert.
Reptilian Riders
The Badru have raised and domesticated large reptilian creatures called Agyps for generations. The reptiles are four-legged, with a long tail and slim snout. Often weighing 500 to 600 lbs. They are covered in thick scales and can grow as larger as eight feet long, they can easily carry two riders while also hauling loads that can weigh several hundred pounds.   The Badru ride the Agyps in order to cover ground more efficiently when out in the desert. And they are also used to haul large collections of junk back from the desert using hitched wagons. They are bred to be docile and follow commands but can be fearsome foes if forced to fight due to their muscular build and large size.   Agyps tend to bond with their rider, and only trust those that they spend significant time with. They are long-lived and some reach the age of 30 years old.
Desert Llama
The Ipo are llama-like creatures that are bred specifically for their durable and warm fur, and for their nutritious milk. They look much like llama but tend to be slightly smaller and come in colours like beige and brown. They have buck teeth and often have trouble seeing if their fur isn't regularly shorn from around their eyes. The Badru, have domesticated Ipo for generations much like the Agyps. They have been domesticated for so long in fact, that these creatures are rarely found in the wild anymore. And Ipo that find themselves outside of a tribe on their own often do not have the natural instincts to survive.   The fur of the Agyp is sheered every few months in order to craft warm clothing for nighttime use, and durable clothing for long dessert travel.   While these creatures are primarily bred and raised for these two purposes they are often treated like pets and are greatly valued for their companionship. They often live up to ten to twelve years long.
The Badru'ta Sand Scavengers, often called the Badru, are a semi-nomadic tribal people that live in and around The Badru'ta 'Junk' Desert. They live off the few natural resources of the area and trading for other necessities by bartering with the items that they find in the dessert with merchants hungry to collect and sell the weapons, tools, and other valuables found within the junk piles of the desert. The Badru despite the harsh environment they live in, are welcoming people and will gladly interact and trade with almost anyone.
Portrait of a Badru Male

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