Poultrey Purveyor

Due to the large amount of Carnivorous Sentients there is a continuos need for meat and eggs. The Poultry purveyor's fill this vital role. Those that work in the poultry farms are looked at with some disdain due to the unpleasant nature of the job and the smells associated with it.As one might guess, Foxes and those of the Ermine persuasion are the most common species that perform these roles.    Chickens, turkeys and ducks are the main forms of poultry that are raised. Mostly it is the Furlancians that have the need for the specialist farms that raise the large amount of poultry required to feed the city. The large barns with free run birds can be found on the outskirts of the city. They are hidden from view and local ordinance try to keep them downwind of the city. The birds are raised and roosted in a free range fashion being brought back to their coops every night by the watchful eyes of the purveyors.   Wet markets are not permitted in the city so every evening the sentients place orders or leave requests for drop off for the poultry purveyors in the manner of a milkman for eggs and meat to be delivered. This prevents the smells and mess of large amounts of dispatched animals throughout the city.



The farms are now generational and when required if the family cannot meet the demand they will hire out for positions.

Career Progression

All members start by feeding the poultry and then move up to collecting the valuable eggs. Next they learn the art of herding chickens into the coops. Some will try to progress to sales and delivery as those roles are well thought of and are desired positions. Others find that they prefer dispatch and cleaning of the poultry to prepare it for deliveries on the following days.

Payment & Reimbursement

Most farms keep tally for the families that they serve and will collect payment on a monthly basis.

Other Benefits

The benefit for the purveyors is of course financial. They are usually exceptionally strong and well fed and always have a safe place to sleep.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry


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