First Sun Myth in Frith | World Anvil
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First Sun

In the beginning, the infinite void rested, unperturbed, no light or sound breaking the endless, perfect dark. Then opened a break in the void, a pinhole of brilliance, radiating every color into the primordial gloom. The pinhole spread, burning with a white-hot fire, and the Sun was born. She smiled out into the void and gathered dust unto Herself. She reached out with Her hands and brought the dust together, molding it into a ball. With what dust remained, She made two pale companions for this ball, to reflect Her light even when Her new creation was turned away from Her. It was the perfect company to banish the loneliness of the void, but the Sun discerned something amiss with Her creation. Though perfectly round, made in Her image, the new body lacked a brilliance of its own. It was not alive, and had no light to give, unlike She. Saddened, the Sun resolved to find a way to make Her partner shine with the same light.   Her hands touched its surface, Her rays kissing all of the high places and giving life. Weeds and moss blanketed the ground, seeping into the deep places, trees sprouting from the earth. Out of the fronds and leafs, the first insects crawled, then the first lizards to catch them. Birds took wing to catch the insects that flew, and life multiplied. Though the Sun loved Her creation, She found that neither could the lightning bugs glow brightly enough to imitate Her, nor the lizards turn to the Sun to do more than bask, nor the birds sing sweetly enough to suit the world She had made. Something new would have to be created, something which could think and feel.   And so the Sun breathed life into Her last creation. It could stand on its two legs and touch the world with its hands; it could see the beautiful world created for it, and had the intelligence to apprehend it; and it could turn its eyes skyward, and question.   “What am I?”   The Sun answered them. “You are Frithitt, the last and best of my creation.”   “Then who are you?”   “I am the Sun, the power which gave you life. I will comfort you in your days and make the land bounteous with my rays. All I ask for in return is that you be my companion, that you look upon me with kindness and live a good life in my name.”   “I can do so.” And after giving thanks, the Frithitt went about their life. The Sun delighted in watching how the Frithitt discovered the other life dwelling on their world, how they taught themself how to dance and sing. Content, the Sun spoke to the Frithitt again.   “I know now that I made the right choice. You are the companion I have sought after all. So too do you deserve companionship. So I will create another of you, and your kind will spread across the face of this world. Forever will you gaze upon me with kindness, and forever will you live in peace under the sky. Go, and shine with my light.”

Historical Basis

The molding of Frith out of dust has been connected with the modern astronomical theory of protoplanetary disks. Modern science, however, posed difficulties for the traditional notion that Frith was created within the last million years, since geological evidence obviously shows the contrary. This story is codified in the Book of Rays, and so goes wherever the faith is spread. All Frithitt have heard this story in one way or another.
Date of Setting
Hundreds of thousands of years ago.


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