Wearing the Mist Tradition / Ritual in Frencal | World Anvil
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Wearing the Mist

To 'wear the mist' in the City of the One Prince is to wear a garment made mainly of water or mist round your neck or shoulders in an attempt to ward off a possible attack by a fire drake during the atrocious heatwaves the city suffers on a yearly basis.

Being deep underground and having volcanoes as neighbours in its western reaches, the city contends with considerable heat all year round.
However, when the volcanoes in the Firelands enter a particularly active period, heat can soar to extremes for a few days or even weeks in the city.

The Enchanters' ward then becomes busy creating Misty Mauds or Water Dickies for the wealthy citizens of the City. 
These enchantments don't come cheap but are very popular during the hotter days of the heatwaves.  Mages from the ward use their considerable power to bend the cool waters of the Blushore into all sorts of transparent plaids, shawls and scarves which can be worn over the citizenry's normal clothes.

These magical artifacts not only keep you cool and slightly humidied throughout the torrid heat of the waves, but are also useful to deter any atttack from fire drakes which usually appear in the Skydome over the city at these times.

All comes back to the fact that fire drakes detests water and will not have any of it in their mouth.
Wearing water is one sure way to make sure that the drake will pick on someone less fortunate than you, someone who does not wear water or not as much water as you do.
Drakes are said to have very sensitive snouts which are able to smell water miles away from where they are flying.

Unfortunately, not everyone in the City is able to afford the enchanted scarves and shawls.
In the poorer districts, the Mauds and Dickies are swapped for necklaces and scarves made out of the Dew Kelp - a kelp growing deep within Lake Onix, which is retrieved by fishermen and divers.

Although this type of kelp is difficult and dangerous to retrieve from the lake, it is very much sought after. One of its particularity is that the pods all along its broad leaf are full of the lake's cool waters that slowly but surely leak out in the light.

The kelp can 'sweat' its waters for a few days after it has been collected, making it an ideal keepsafe against the fire drakes' threat.
Children are often seen swathed in the kelp during the heat waves.


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