Law Act 152 Military Conflict in Frantumare | World Anvil
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Law Act 152

The Law Act 152 is the source of conflict that leads to the castration of Feras in Strigea and the consummation of Heat Suppressor in the kingdom. Debates sparked between the ministers whether it is appropriate to be implemented fully. So far, the law is implemented partially due to concerns of Feras revolting in the kingdom.

The Conflict


Feras in Strigea needs to take supplement to control their Heat Cycle or risk getting forced castration.

Historical Significance

Feras were welcomed into the kingdom until the case of a Fera assaulting a human woman happened. This sparks fear in the human community after finding out that Feras have the condition called Heat Cycle. They ostracized the Feras, chasing them out and some result to killing them to prevent similar tragedy to happen. To the Feras, they feared for their lives due to their uncontrollable physiological condition. Many left the kingdom, while a small number took their own lives out of pressure.   This gives bad reputation to the kingdom. While the ministers don't care about the half-animal folk, they don't want other kingdoms to see them as a failure for not being able to contain the problem. Thus, they came up with Law Act 152. However, the law is inhumane, which sparks debate amongst them. The debate goes on for days to weeks to months. None could reach an agreement. One side wants the Feras to be castrated regardless of their consent. The other wants Feras to be given a choice.   In the end, the king decided to allow the Feras to enter, on the condition of taking supplement to control their heat or else they will be punished either jail, execution or castration. Many views the supplement as harmless, hence, they reached a common ground with the law though wish to see it partially implemented first to see its effectiveness.
Conflict Type
Political Debate
Conflict Result
The law is partially implemented to prevent revolt.

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