Man's Civilty Temple
Long hallways coupled with lavish tapestries create a Renaissance-like architecture style.
Purpose / Function
The Man's Civility Temple serves as a meeting center for dedicated monks. Here they pray, create religious art, and create new cloaks. The art made here is displayed on the limestone walls and near city entrances. Some of the best art is displayed at the Palace. Here, the dictator admires the monk's eye for beauty in his own home. The higher-ranked subordinates might even get an ornament of art around their house. These ornaments rank from small paintings to grand busts.
Additional sculptures and mosaics have been adorning the halls for a long time. One of the more notable sculptures details a dragon wielding a pistol. This highly detailed piece represents Provectus as a beast with powerful technology. One mosaic displays the first dictator atop the highest mountain in Provectus. Showing the might of the gods and dictators is very important to artists.
Limestone is the main material used in this temple's construction. This shows a great deal of honor and dedication from Provectus. Due to shortages of the rock in mountain ranges the limestone used here makes up most of the supply. The outside of the building is protected by large walls embossed with etchings of deities. Dragons, bison, and turtles can be easily found being personified in the engravings. Of course, these also explain the Provector creation myth in detail.
The Man's Civility Temple has definitely stood the test of time. It was created during Provectus' inception to be the first monument. Soon after, the Provector religion was created and monks started filling the temple. Throughout the generations the monks have done the same duties, making the building sacred. This is best showcased in the massive closets of silk cloaks woven over time.
Temple / Religious complex
Owning Organization
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