Arcane Congregation Building / Landmark in Four Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Arcane Congregation

Are you a wizard, warlock, or other magical practitioner in need of a workshop of your very own? Look no further, the Arcane Congregation is the first (and only) wizard tower for rent! Get that sensitive spellwork out of your mother's guest room and into one of our state of the art magical workshops.  



Boringly Practical

Though it is advertised as a wizard tower for rent, the reality of the Arcane Congregation is a little less... whimsical. The bones of the building were constructed with warehouse purposes in mind even if it has now been transformed into a magical co-working space. It is a bulky, blocky structure with no exterior lighting to call attention to it behind the bright lights of the North Road.   The inside? It's a bit more interesting with all the magical goings-on. But on the rare occasions that the building is empty, it's a tad bit boring to look at. The four levels are carved up into a hive of closed-door workshops and open common areas. The walls are grey stone blocks that match most of the stone furniture. Windows are few and far between.  

Magically Wonderful

What it lacks in visual flair, however, the Arcane Congregation makes up for in sheer magical activity. The high ceiling allows a spiral of magical energy to drift down through the center of the cavernous space during the day (At least, it does when the spellcaster on duty remembers to hold concentration on the illusion). And of course, the daily workings of magic and craftsmanship and experimentation lend a degree of color and excitement to the otherwise practical space. One can expect to find spells in progress, experiments left to soak, and all sorts of arcane activity echoing and ricocheting through the common spaces.  
Practically Magical
Whether it looks boring or is brimming with magical activity, the Arcane Congregation always has one thing going for it: utility. The workshops are all soundproofed and lined with magic-suppressant to prevent bleed between rooms. All furniture has been enchanted to discourage the accumulation of magical residue and prevent accidental animation.   Common spaces, while they can get a bit rambunctious, boast a number of amenities. From stoves with which to heat lunch and mix up potions to small reserves of common spell components to helpful advice from that alchemist working five feet away from you, you can find all sorts of mundane magical benefits by wandering the common spaces. And of course there is the spell range upstairs, where dummies and targets are set up for practice, as well as the dueling chamber where you can spar with other arcane practitioners and onlookers can watch safely from behind magic-proofed glass.  


  The Arcane Congregation is operated by and for magic-makers of all sorts. During the day, there are always two people on duty at the front desk, ready and excited to help visitors find the person or service they're looking for. These friendly staff members are all trained in basic spellwork and the use of a selection of magical items kept at the front desk for the benefit of tenants and their guests. (Please note that if you are not a tenant or in the company of a tenant, you will not be granted the use of any front desk magic items. That includes the staff of healing!)   And if you're wanting to rent one of our magical work spaces, just ask the front desk staff-member about speaking to one of the rent reps. They'll happily get you squared away with a space to call your own.   As for who manages the staff, who ensures the building gets cleaned even if no one has ever seen any cleaning staff, who replenishes the spell supplies or maintains the enchantments or replaces the targets in the spell range or adds a whole new workshop that may or may not have been there yesterday... it might be better not to ask to speak to a manager.
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Cover image: Kingdom Spread by Kethry Tiggs
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