The 99 Western Laws of Order and Peace Document in Four Corners | World Anvil
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The 99 Western Laws of Order and Peace

Hung as tapestries in most Western Corner homes, the first thing taught to school-age children, and, at one time, mandatorily read allowed in public meetings, the 99 Western Laws of Order and Peace were created immediately following Severance. While there was a similar decree of laws in the Western Corner before this time that was mandatorily read to the people every day at the same hour, the people of the Western Corner felt that Severance was a time to usher in a new revision of their ancient, and now obsolete, code. With Aerion no longer connected to guide them any longer, the large influx of Southern Corner post-Cataclysm survivors seeking refuge in a new home, the Western Corner grasped desperately for something to solidify their identity on the large continent as well as bring order out of such an era of dramatic change. And so, the old law books were burned in collective pyres (this is a holiday that is celebrated this very day in the Western Corner) across the continent and a gathering of the greatest political minds recorded in Western Corner history was held to create something new altogether.   The Senatorial representatives gathered together and spent 20 days creating the document. These laws were meant to bring order and clarity to every aspect of life- Birth and birthday celebrations, schooling, jobs and pursuits of passion, marriage, divorce, collective gatherings, religion, how to be a productive and helpful member of society and community, death and funerary rites, money and banking, and, of course, the complete and total discarding of magic in the culture altogether. "Reject Magic and Fear its Power and Potential" was the first and foremost rule established. Magic was banned with very few and extenuating circumstances, items were locked up and destroyed, magic users of any kind were presented with the choice to take up a different occupation altogether or face exile before further punishment was doled out. Enforcement of the law and punishment for crimes against the code were also detailed in the Western Laws of Order and Peace. The severity of the punishment was entirely dependant on the severity of the crime, with public service and city waste management being the most common form, various forms of public humiliation for crimes of medium severity, and public execution for the most reprehensible of crimes- especially those who repeatedly broke the First Law.   Due to its constant repetition and education across the entire corner (both natives and visitors of the Corner are required to attend public readings, though these happen far less often than the did in the early days), pleas of ignorance of any kind were ludicrous and would almost always result in the defendant being found guilty of the crime as well as additional time placed on their sentence for refusing to learn the most common sense of Western Society. The only exception to this was when a defendant would plea for Judgment instead.   Judgment- the act of having your crimes heard by a Scarlet Knight instead of by a local judicial body was typically seen as an act of desperation and obvious guilt. Those granted Mercy by the Law of Light instead of going through the proper channels and system are typically always seen as getting away with whatever they had done and not paying the price they should have and are viewed as less than those who were convicted by a Western Judge and served out their sentence properly.   While many from the other Corners (and Crossroads when it was still standing) see the Western Corner as controlling, rules obsessed, and draconic- the results of the laws- peaceful, clean streets, a productive economy, and some of the most successful artists, musicians, and orators of our time can not be argued with. The document continues to do its job as long as it is seen and heard by every person in the Western Corner, which it is still to this day.


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