The Dale Ruins Myth in Fortur | World Anvil

The Dale Ruins

Though the trees are fading from fortur, as the magic of elvenkind leaves the world, the remnants of the old world still remain in a few places scattered to the winds.   It is told that, in remote parts of the world, there are still ruins of the old forests that can only be found found by those purest of mind and most reverent of land. These Ruins, it is said, can only be opened by those destined to find them: royal bloodlines passed down through the eons  of elvenkind to safekeep their magic.    The stories of these ruins were never widespread, only those who remember the old world might even recall the obscure texts buried in elite libraries that were held secret by the elven kingdoms...until too late. Their treasure would not be fully forgotten, for it is still told among elven children that there are secret vaults only to be opened by Princess's of Elvenkind, who's bounty was to grant she who claimed the dale within a wish.   Still, in The Last Elven City of Natar there may be some dark whispers among the ruling family about how they might again find these dales, and maybe with the right mix of luck and magic These dales might once more be open.