Yddnathir Item in Fortis | World Anvil


Legends say that Yddnathir was so heavy that no one but the mighty warriors of the Barsinog clan could lift the massive weapon, let alone wield it. The first recorded mention of the sword was when it accompanied Verdoth Barsinog into the Battle of Gilfrost before he passed it down to his eldest, Narclaw, who slayed countless slakmars with it during the clearing of the land that later became the settlement of Valtarus.   Many turnings ago, Roth Barsinog drove his legendary sword, still bloodied from battle, into the ground between the Twin Cities with the words, "What was separate is now bound with blood." It is said that he never again wielded a weapon in combat, although his axe was always at his waist. For many years, none dared to touch the blade, and a thicket of roses grew up around it, forming the huge rosebush that now lies in the center of the garden between the two cities. A series of plaques commemorating the historic war and the establishment of the First Court appear throughout the garden, which is a common area that lies within the boundaries of both cities.   The huge broadsword was forged in Gilfrost by an unknown blacksmith in ages past and was passed down to Roth as his family's eldest child. No one is sure how many generations it had been in his family, but studies of artist's renderings suggest that the style was from two or three turnings before Roth's time. Many believe that the military successes of the Barsinog lineage ended because the sword was sacrificed, but living members of the family say that, after the death of his eldest in the campaign against the Twin Cities, Roth decided that he and his descendants could better serve Valtarus as community leaders than as warriors.

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