Elguura's Exotic Emporium and Menagerie Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Elguura's Exotic Emporium and Menagerie

Located in the Castle Ward, this stable that is magically enchanted to hold...more than the outside would make it seem. Upon entering the front doors, visitors are transported to a very well regulated and licensed demi plane, created by the owner Elguura, a half-orc wizard. This plane has three climates within it: temperate, arctic, and desert. In the respective areas, are housed animals that are exotic to Waterdeep that include Mammoth, Dinosaurs, and other creatures not usually found in an urban setting.    The main attraction is the Menagerie itself. Locals come to view and marvel at these creatures, most of which no one in Waterdeep would even see in their lifetime. For a nominal fee they can walk amongst the beasts in their pens, feed them, and, for the right price, ride them if their heart desires. While some druid groups have seen this place as immoral, Elguura makes sure to take good care of his animals, and any new ones he manages to wrangle into his zoo. Anyone who is seen mistreating the beasts is quickly expelled from the plane and cannot enter again without a sizable donation.   The other aspect of the business is the Emporium. Beyond commemorative dining ware and toys of all the animals, Elguura allows the purchasing of his beasts as well as providing the ability to buy supplies for them as well. He doesn't do this often, as the prices are eyewateringly expensive, but when he finds a buyer, he makes sure they are able to handle the animal, as well as understand it's needs and wants. He doesn't sell to any who just want a trophy pet that'll die of starvation or neglect within the week, he finds people who'll actually want the animal and will help it thrive.   Some say that the business is just that a business, especially as Elguura charges a lot for most things in his menagerie, but from his account, he is merely bringing the experiences of being able to see these animals to the people of the metropolis. If he makes a bit of money while doing so, where's the harm in that?


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