Telaurium Material in Folterra | World Anvil
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Compiled by Doctor Alexandre Bertram III, Arlyian Research Institution of Developmental Sciences (ARIDS).
Telaurium is a highly coveted metal, and/or crystal. The metal form (originally called Chorizite by several nations), when purified and smelted properly, has the durable properties of steel, lightweight properties similar to aluminum, as well as several properties still to be documented by science. The crystals, which were originally thought to be exceedingly rare, scientists eventually discovered were only rare above sea level. When liquid Telaurium is spewed out from volcanic vents at the Hadal zones, the oceanic pressure squeezes the metal into a hexagonal crystal; not too unlike diamond. As such, many early societies gave the crystalline form "Pelagic diamonds" or "Thyssa's Glass" (Thyssa being the Goddess of the Sea in early Telran and Naean societies).


Material Characteristics

Telaurium in its metal form is a slightly glossy blue-green metal that almost has a "beaded" texture to it - it often has small little bubbles in its surface. In crystal form, it becomes highly pellucid and reflective. In this state, its colors can vary to thousands of different possibilities, depending on several environmental factors.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Telaurium is highly durable, yet lightweight. It has no dangerous chemical properties (EG; you could use Telaurium cutlery with no adverse effects) in either form. In crystal form, it can hold various temperatures, and voltaic properties, depending on environmental factors.


Though alloys have been attempted with Telaurium, it often proves fruitless. The only metal that has been proven to bond to Telaurium is Paelite - a bone-white and much denser metal found in arid environments.

Geology & Geography

Telaurium is found often in oceanic worlds - the crystalline version especially for prior reasoning. Above sea level it can be found in metal form near areas that may have been volcanically active.

Origin & Source

Telaurium is found in what has been now been dubbed "chorizite ore" due to the prior name of the metal.

Life & Expiration

Telaurium is a highly stable metal. In crystal form, it can store a seemingly vast amount of latent Ley energies depending on how large the crystal array is, and the environment it is situated in.

History & Usage


Throughout most of history, Telaurium was (and in most cases, still is) used for military application in the likes of swords, crossbow arms, and armors. Some wealthy regions even used Telaurium plates, cutlery, and decorative panels. As time progressed, it kept its military application, creating more refined weaponry. Some societies even used it as currency for a time (Telra, Naea, and Arlyia during the time of Queen Calera's trade routes).     As for the crystalline version, early societies revered the compound, not using it for any major practical application. Once societies progressed to a point where science was more commonly accepted, it was discovered that Telaurium crystals could act as a ley energy battery, leading to some societies using them as early forms of air conditioning and electricity. As time went on, these technologies became more refined, and so too did the machinery and appliances they were used in.


Though no exact time has been pinpointed for the discovery of Telaurium, it is generally accepted that the Kethrek people of Choria were the first to find it and melt it into knives and spears. Because of such, they named their island-nation after the metal.

Everyday use

In metal form, it is frequently used in both culinary cutlery, military weaponry/armors, and farming equipment.   In crystalline form, aside from the aforementioned armor pendants, Telaurium is used in storage of energies. These energies range from electricity, thermal energies (both hot and cold), and in some regions with advanced technology, computer applications.

Cultural Significance and Usage

In some early cultures, before the Vexes were more known and accepted, Telaurium was seen as a sort of metal of the gods. The crystals were also seen as methods of communicating with deities, or even contained deities within them. Shrines were constructed that held Telaurium crystals in the hopes to speak with the Gods.   During times of war, or unsteady peace, often a Vex would give an "armor pendant to one of their followers - a small decorative plate of the metal with a highly conductive Telaurium crystal facteted in a socket in the center of said pendant. Upon activation from the user, it will cover them in an armor entirely comprised of the metal. The user can also remove this armor, returning it into the pendant.

Industrial Use

The metal form is often used for applications where durability needs to be high, while weight needs to be low: defensive suits, weaponry, etc.. Promising applications point towards air and sea crafts, robotics, and even firearms.     In crystal form, it is used in computational devices, circuitry, and even is starting to be used in non-lethal firearms (wherein said firearm will discharge a bolt of non-lethal ley energy to render an assailant unconscious).


Telaurium, when mined in metal form, must be purified of small amounts of impurities before practical use can be achieved. Additionally, it should be melted down and put in a cast or mold to truly be useful. As for the crystals, they contain nearly no impurities.

Manufacturing & Products

Weapons, computers, air-conditioning units, refrigerators, ovens, heating units, boats, etc..

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Though very uncommon, sometimes when the ley energy has been completely drained (a difficult task most scientists have found), crystalline Telaurium will "corrode" and turn black, almost acting as a consuming void of ley energy, rather than a battery of it. If destroyed, this black Telaurium can have mild hallucinogenic properties, and almost replicates some effects of mercury poisoning.


Sometimes carcinogens can be found in the dirt and rock covering raw Telaurium, but otherwise there is no hazard of the metal, or crystal, itself.

Reusability & Recycling

In most places on Folterra, Telaurium is commonly melted down and used for other purposes. In times of war, people will convert it to weaponry, and in times of peace, weaponry will become other materials. IE; swords to plowshares.


Trade & Market

Merchants from Telra, Choria, and Voldrym are among the largest in exporting the metal, though it can be found on most of the island-continents of Folterra at varying depths.


Telaurim can be melted down and stored as ingots. The crystals can be stored as-is.

Law & Regulation

While most countries have no laws regarding Telaurium, Ilysia and Aldren maintained a "no chorizite weaponry" ban following the Hundred Years War.


Because of its applications, Telaurium is most comparable to gold, though that metal is much more common on Folterra.
Bitter, Metallic
Greenish-blue (Metal). In crystal form, colors range in the thousands.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State

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