Ginnungagap and the Creation in Folkvangr and the Nine Realms | World Anvil
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Ginnungagap and the Creation

Creation of the Nine Realms

In the beginning there was only the void, named Ginnungagap, and Muspellheim, the land of fire. After some time, Niflheim was formed in the void, a land of ice. Niflheim was struck by Muspellheim's heat as soon as it came to be, and the ice which melted on the highest peaks turned into a great, toxic spring, Hvergelmir Spring.   Eleven rivers flowed (and still flow) from the spring and traveled the whole cosmos outward, passing across the void in all ways. The poison in Hvergelmir's rivers formed into ice and dropped like slag from iron into Ginnungagap and were it met with Muspellheim's heat which created layer after layer of frost over the lands, melting and evaporating near Muspellheim to the south, and layering into huge icy mountains in the north. The constant dripping and freezing of water eventually fell into the shape of a man, and thus Ymir the First Giant was born and given life. He was an evil entity who only hungered.   Audumbla the Hornless Primordial Cow was then formed and given life by the dripping waters and she wandered the grassless void coming across salty and icy mountains. She licked the mountains, nourishing herself in the empty land. She licked for three days on the salted mountains, shaping them into a beautiful and large man named Buri.   The salt helped her to produce four rivers of milk from which the starving Ymir drank. This gave Ymir the power to rise and do. When Ymir slept, he sweated, producing a male giant from his left armpit and a female giant from his right armpit, and from them came all Frost Giants as we know them, notably different than the Fire Giants who are the offspring of Surtr.  


  Buri had a son named Borr who married the Frost Giantess Bestla and went on to birth the powerful children Odin, Vili and Ve.   Ymir was killed by the trio of brothers Odin Vili and Ve. Ymir's blood drowned all the Frost Giants, aside from two who repopulated their numbers.   From Ymir's flesh the trio created Midgard. From his blood they created lakes and seas, including the Utgard Sea. From his skull they created the sky. From the maggots in his flesh they created the Light Elf and Light Dwarf. They asked four dwarves to hold up the sky. They took the popping and sizzling embers of Muspellheim and made them the stars in the sky. From his brains they made the clouds.   The brothers then crowned themselves creators and relaxed in the realm of Asgard. After the creation, it was clear Odin was the most powerful of the three, although their strengths are similar, and he was given seat to rule all the gods and realms.  


  Ginnungagap still exists, beyond Utgard, but mostly it has been forgotten by the residents of the Nine Realms. Its lands, however, have been permanently changed by the creation of the realms after Ymir's death at hands of the powerful trio of brothers. It is impossible to say what may linger in the void now.

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