Flightless The Betrayal

The Betrayal

Era beginning/end


In the wake of the Second Reckoning, humanity's domesticated dogs turned against their masters.

Humans had lived with domesticated dogs for around four thousand years at the time of the Second Reckoning. At the tail end of the disaster, just when everyone thought the worst was over, dogs began to turn on their masters. No one could explain the betrayal, but it was a world-wild phenomenon.   Dogs escaped back into the wild. Over the years, the once familiar companion animals grew larger, fiercer, and wilder. They live in the wild parts of the world, and in general behave similar to common wolves. The main difference is that a dire wolf seemingly has a distinct appetite for human flesh. Dire wolves have been known to attack hunters, ignoring the deer they are carrying home in order to attack the hunter directly. The great loyalty and affection dogs once showed to humanity has been inverted.

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