Mbassi Character in Flightless | World Anvil


Chieftess Dasu-Aye Mbassi

Before the Fourth Reckoning, she was the niece of the chief of Naaf. After the disaster, her uncle had died and her brother took the chieftainship, making her chieftess. Mbassi is notable for her initiative to pressure her brother into legalizing prostitution in Naaf and establishing a brothel. The town took a large chunk of the proceeds, and from that money, the town was rebuilt and later renamed Daqehi.   Mbassi saw the women as entrepreneurs deserving of respect, and was critical of the church's stance against selling sex for money. Any woman who came into one of her brothels was ensured a pension once she became too old to regularly have clients. Mbassi and her "laundresses" as they were euphemistically called became the primary breadwinners for the town as a whole, and her loud support of them and dominant presence in the town leadership ensured their voices were heard and respected. She also regularly met with the rest of the women of Daqehi and ensured their rights and interests were protected.   Even after her death, her legacy has ensured that the women of Daqehi hold more political sway than anywhere else in Maloa. She was known as "*Quk il eq Daqehfip*", "Mother of the Laundresses" or, by those less thrilled with her influence and power, "*Fanun il Ewunip*", "Queen of Whores".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mbassi is a short, stocky woman with little in the way of a figure. She doesn't look particularly bulky, but her muscles are surprisingly solid.
Concept by Winona Nelson
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Quk il eq Daqehfip
Fanun il Ewunip
27 BR 57 AR 84 years old
Naaf (Daqehi)
Dark brown
Dark brown, curly
140 lbs