Head Fairy Raffle Tradition / Ritual in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Head Fairy Raffle

Each rank of fairies has its own way of being elected. Head fairies of the district are chosen by playing a city builder for months to see who will gain the best result in the game, while head fairies of the area have to be chosen through careful consideration of their fellow head fairies of the region. Head fairies regaining themselves are something else though.

Who is the head fairy of the region?

Head fairy of the region is chosen from head fairies of the district that rule in a certain region. Now, these fairies already had to prove their competence through the city builder game, and they don’t hold quite as much power and responsibility as the head fairies of the area, so choosing them isn't considered too big of a deal. Whoever will probably be good enough to do the job, that will mostly entail taking important matters from head fairies of the district, and either sending them forward to the head fairy of the area, while ignoring most of it anyway or pawning it off to their assistants. Besides, a fairy can only hold this position for a year before being replaced. It really doesn’t matter who gets this job.

No really, it doesn’t.

The raffle

Since it matters so little who gets this job, fairies don’t really concern themselves with the choosing process. They literally just write all their names on pieces of paper, throw them into a container of sorts and have an unbiased picker pull out a random name. Even the unbiased picker to pull out the name is chosen more carefully than that.

Of course, the whole affair is done very ceremoniously and broadcast on tv. The event consists of presenting all the head fairies of the district that are participating, each having a short speech on what they would do for the good of the region if they get chosen, and the actual picking ceremony.

After their speeches, each fairy walks up to the container displayed in a visible ceremonial place, and after all of the fairies are done with the speeches and adding their names into the container, the unbiased picker finally walks up to the container, and pulls out a single name. Reading the name on the piece of paper, he announces who the new head fairy of the district will be. This is followed by the chosen fairy having one final thank you speech and repeating all of the promises he made to better the region, though by now we’re already well aware that these head fairies don’t do much of anything. Still the chosen head fairy might have to consider actually starting to do some work now that he’s been promoted to head fairy of the region.


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