Head Fairy of Area Rank/Title in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Head Fairy of Area

Who is Head Fairy of Area

This is it - the tippy top of the pyramid - the one fairy that actually has to do some work. A Head Fairy of Area (HFA) is the one who is in charge of the whole area, and our world has HFA’s in in Ä+*4~, Fairy Gardens, Desert and possibly in East of West T@Ö#Ä3. In T@Ö#Ä3 Satan’s priests are more commonly the leaders and Wasteland is a lawless wasteland anyway. Mountain Area has no people but this is where Glitter God and Satan live, and haunted forest and anything beyond it is where death rules.

A Head Fairy of each area is chosen from HEad Fairies of Region. All of the Head Fairies of the region consult each other and very carefully chose a fairy that seemed to be the most competent and able to do the job of leading a whole area. It’s not an easy task being a HFA, and it’s not an easy task choosing one either.

What do they do?

Unlike other Head Fairies who are just having fun half of the time, HFA actually has to do some work. They are usually in charge of the most important things that affect the entire area. Sometimes they might deal with some lesser things that lower ranking fairies are too lazy to do, but for the most part being a HFA is a serious important business.

HFA’s (or Satans’ priests for T@Ö#Ä3) of all areas gather on a regular basis to discuss the important matters of their world and what needs or could be done to make life a little bit better for everyone. Of course, they have to consult Glitter God and Satan themselves before making any decisions that will greatly affect the world.

They do still take a considerable amount of time to just have fun, drink cocktails and let the paper pushers of their headquarters do most of the work, but they still have a lot more responsibilities than other fairies.

Status in Society

All of the fairies are greatly respected, especially in Ä+*4~. Head Fairies are even more respected, but HFA’s are the ones who deserve the most respect from people and other fairies as well. They are the ones who are the closest to Glitter God, which on its own is a great honor, but they are also the ones who actually get to control what happens in our world. Everyone knows that’s the most difficult job that holds the most responsibility, and being able to do that most certainly deserves all the respect.


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