Head Fairiy Associations Organization in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Head Fairiy Associations

At first glance, our world may seem like a complete anarchy, it is led by a hierarchy of fairies that spans from sigle temple leaders all the way up to Glitter God himself. This includes hundreds, if not thousands of fairies that need to stay organized to effectively cooperate with each other. These fairies are all members of Head Fairy Associations.

Fairy Ranks

In our world, there are many different ranks of fairies, each responsible for a different kind of an area. The hierarchy goes something like this:

  • Head Fairy of temple: multiple fairies work in each temple, but one of them is the main leader of the temple, responsible for all that goes on
  • Head Fairy of district: Each district has multiple temples, and out of head fairies of each temple a head fairy of district is chosen. This fairy is in charge of the whole district.
  • Head Fairy of region: Multiple districts are all part of a region. Again, each of these regions has one representative fairy that is in charge of all of the district fairies
  • Head Fairy of Area: All of the districts are part of one of the main areas of the world; Ä+*4~, Fairy Gardens, Desert, East T@Ö#Ä3, West T@Ö#Ä3, Industrial, and Wasteland. Some of these may have a Head Satan’s priest, but generally Ä+*4~, Fairy Gardens and Desert are led by a single Head Fairy

Head Fairy Associations

For each of these ranks, there is an organized association of fairies that work together as one organization. No district, region or area is cut off from others, but has to work by the rules that apply to all, and has to get all of the head fairies to agree on what they want to do. Well ok, Wasteland does work by its own rules, but that’s a different thing.

Same as the fairies, there are also different associations for each rank:

  • Head Fairy of District Association (HFDA): each region has its own HFDA where all the Head Fairies of the district are gathered. One of them is chosen as a leader of the region.
  • Head Fairy of Region Association (HFRA): each of the chosen Head fairies of the region is a member of HFRA, where they gather and collaborate with other Head fairies of the region. One is chosen to represent the whole area
  • Head Fairy of Area Association (HFAA): this is it, the top of the hierarchy. In HFAA all of the chosen Head fairies of area discuss only the most important things in the world and answer to no one but Glitter God

What do they do?

This all sounds very important and official, but the truth is, most of these fairies aren’t extremely busy. For head fairies of the district, their “regular gatherings to discuss official business” mostly consist of gossiping, playing games and eating snacks. Of course, a more serious issue might come up now and then, but that’s usually not too bad. They only handle minor things relating specifically to their own district.

If it’s really important it gets handed over to the Head Fairy of the region to discuss it at a marginally more serious meeting with other Head fairies of the region. They deal with some of the things there, but if it’s actually important it gets handed over to the Head fairy of the area.

The head fairy of Area would then discuss these things at a meeting with other head fairies of area, but again, if it seems very important, they send the issue to Glitter God to deal with. If it doesn’t seem important enough for them to deal with, they just send it right to the paper shredder. Now keep in mind that our world is fully digitalized by now, so they get all these matters sent to them via emails or such, so they have to do that extra step to print the documents out to shred them. It’s this extra thing that they get paid more money for.

Government, Leadership


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