Foxcat Species in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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In the harsh tundra environment of the Mountain Region, you won’t find much life. A Winter Forest is scarcely populated by only a few different animal species adapted to survive here. One of these is a foxcat.


In appearance it resembles the animal your world may know as an ermine, though not entirely. As its name suggests it’s a mix of a fox, a cat and a few other animals, such as ermine and even squirrel. It has quite a cat-like body, but with shorter legs - much like munchkin cats - covered in a warm fluffy white coat. This is to stay warm and hide more easily in the snowy landscape. It has slightly pointed black ears, short but pointy snout and a bushy, fox-like tail that’s black at the end. It is approximately cat sized, up to 45cm in length with a tail measuring up to 45 cm - almost the length of the animal itself, and it weighs up to 4,5kg. They also has balck paws that look like they're wearing socks.


Foxcats live in underground burrows in the Winter Forest hidden under snow and they tend to be quite shy around lone wanderers that may end up here. Of course, not many people would wander this far into the snowy land. If approached without a chance to run away and hide, they will attack though, so be careful and leave the wildlife alone. This is good advice when it comes to any kind of wildlife in general. When people aren’t around, which is most of the time, they are quite playful and social animals. They live in small groups of a few adults and several so-called kittens. The adults will often playfully “fight” with the kittens to train them for the future, when they’ll have to defend their territory from the intruders.


What their diet is, is somewhat of a mystery. Some believe that they are carnivorous as their ancestors, cats and foxes, were. It is speculated that they might hunt for the winter catbunnies living in the same Winter Forest. Still others claim to have observed them feeding on various plants of the area. Though the second option tends to have more proof, some parents living inCity of T@Ö#Ä3 near this area tend to scare their children by saying a foxcat will come and eat their toes if they don’t cover up with a blanket well at night. This, of course, is to prevent kids catching a cold on winter nights.

However, any type of food is hard to find here. Due to this, foxcats tend to be pretty territorial. They can be quite vicious when it comes to defending their food source from uninvited intruders. Many may get injured or even die this way. If they do, they are taken to hell where they gnaw on the toes or the sinners trapped ther- seriously what is with people’s fear of foxcats eating their toes? They are much more likely to bite your fingers if you walk into their territory and try to pet them, which would be hard to resist because they are adorable.

Average Height
up to 30cm
Average Weight
up to 4,5kg
Average Length
up to 45cm (90cm with tail)
Geographic Distribution

look at this chonky boy


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Jul 11, 2021 21:27 by Eliora Yona

Very cute little rascals ^.^

Jul 12, 2021 11:04 by Timothy Van Allan

Indeed they are :P