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'Honour is all!'- Famous warcry (or last words) of the knights of Barador

A Tale of Legends

Barador's history is a complicated affair, as the nobles of Barador have interwoven so many myths and legends about their kingdom, that it can be impossible to find primary sources which are reliable. As, if a chronicler was to listen to these legends, they would 'learn' that the capital of Barador, Anteinde is built with the corpse of the Great Elder Dragon of Stone. As the legendary Emerald Knight slayed the beast with one mighty lance charge down its throat, carving their way out from the inside.   The closest thing we have to a reliable story of the nation is the half lost records of the Empire, and even then it appears to be mainly what chroniclers were able to gain second hand. What appears most likely is that originally the lands of Barador were owned by the elves, or at least half elves. From there, it is theorised that some war occured, or internal conflict which caused the different feudal lords to split apart. Leading to the popular legend of the Emerald Knight unifiying the kingdom. Though no one is sure exactly how, with the most accepted legend being they dueled every rebellious lord, forcing them to kneel through martial honour.   It is believed that the Emerald Knight was the Chosen of Nádúr, and due to her blessings they were able to rule the kingdom passed any normal mortal life. Though, despite this blessed monarch, Barador would be made to join the Empire. It is said that the Emerald Knight's honour was all to them, that they swore to Nádúr no true monarch of Barador would bow to an enemy of her's. Yet, despite these blessing, the lands of Barador were invaded, and to punish Barador for resisting many a forest was burned as punishment, their ashes often flung into the castles and cities as a remainder of the cost of resisting. Though, despite this destruction the Emerald Knight held out, but, their heart broke when they saw their home village and forest burn in front of their eyes. To save what was left of their kingdom they spoke with the Emperor, agreeing to leaving Barador forevermore, in return the forests and people would not be touched. The people pleaded against this, the knights told their monarch they would ride into hell with the Emerald Knight one last time. Yet, the Emerald Knight simply told them, their honour could never let them kneel, but they could not let them all suffer for their stubborness. But, to ease their hearts the last loyal knights were told that one day, when Nádúr sees that it is time, the Emerald Knight will return with the Oaks flying the flag of Barador. And thus, the tale of the Unifier of Barador came to an end, with Barador becoming a formal part of the Empire.   Barador would be a place of constant rebellion for the Empire, as the Empire truly just wanted them to assimilate to their ways, to escape their devout worship of Nádúr. Yet, any attempt to even slightly alter the ways of Barador was seen as a grave slight against Barador's honour, and thus a duel or rebellion would be declared. Barador wears this age of resistance with honour, as they claim the heads of two Emperors and an Empress who were foolish enough to accept their dueling challenges.   When the Empire began to collapse, Barador was already in another rebellion, accusing the Empire of the gravest slight against Nádúr after they turned the once rich plains of the East to unliveable sands. This rebellion was led by Nâdiya Larue, brandishing what many believed to be the blade of the Emerald Knight. With the backing of the feudal lords, Barador would declare its independce, with Nâdiya Larue's dynasty ruling to this very day, but sadly losing the blade at an unknown time.  

Nâdiya Larue

  Though, despite all that struggle, the modern age of Barador is a time of great strife in the nation. Barador's noble lords love of quests would distract them from the growing anger of the peasantry. Leading to a large rebellion from their eastern territory, and with the force being sent to crush it being defeated soundly. From this defeat the peasants would declare the Union of Máthair, a stain on Barador's honour that they seek to purge. This defeat would also strain relations between the lords of the North and South of Barador, with accusations of causing this loss of honour being thrown. Many fear a civil war is brewing if this continues...  

More Lance than Government

The culture of this land, is forgein to many a traveller. A traveller from the city states would expect at most for compensation for a slight to be some gold and a half hearted apology. While a slight in Barador can lead to a decade long feud which passes through the bloodline. It is not unheard of for a feud to be kept for generations despite not knowing what caused it, as to drop it would accept that your distant ancestor was wrong and such a dishonour is shameful to admit.   That is not to say everyone in Barador agrees with this zealous idea of honour. The Lords in the south of Barador have slowly been becoming their own people. This is due to their constant battles with the kingdom of Talithor. As due to the hills between the two kingdoms, the way of the lance and horse began to lose fashion. Now nearly all wars are fought with longbow and polearm, with ideas of the honour charge being replaced with ideas of ranged battle. This split in ideas is being felt within the kingdom, as both sides are not sure who to blame for the peasant rebellion and thus choose to blame each other than unify to fix the problem.  

The Lady of the Bark

Nearly all of the nobility of Barador devoutly follow Nádúr, as it was by her will that their people unified. One would think therefore, this devout faith would mean Barador is in great relations with the wood elves, but that would be incorrect. This is due to a dispute about how each people are meant to serve Nádúr, this issue originating from the Emerald Knight. This is due to the belief in Barador that the wood elves and the Emerald Knight signed a treaty to better serve Nádúr. This treaty is mostly lost except for the first few lines of it, with the mostly important part being, 'Nádúr be our mother, and we be her servant, thus we pledge our arms to the chosen of her's.' To the devout of Barador, they read this as the wood elves swearing themselves to the Emerald Knight, and therefore they should be vassals of Barador. The wood elves greatly contest this as this treaty is mostly destroyed, and without the Emerald Knight can Barador even make the claim they have to serve them? For this reason, countless knights have gone into the wood elf forest to find the Emerald Knight, despite the protest of the wood elves. These quests, tend to end with the knight being killed by these forest guardians, but not before shedding elven blood. This has led to the accusation from Barador that the wood elves are honourless fiends who do not want the Emerald Knight found as that would force them to follow the treaty. With the worst claims being that hte wood elves themselves have either captured or even killed the hero of Barador. Nádúr's stance in this is great saddness as these two people could have been her greatest children, but at the moment they will just continue to shed blood.

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