The Tragedy of Titania and Sienna Myth in Fedelmid | World Anvil
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The Tragedy of Titania and Sienna

A very long time ago, before men and fey turned blades against one another, there was Titania. Titania was the daughter of King Oberon and his Queen, Maab. She wielded both the bright fiery passion of summer, and the cool tranquility of winter. With these traits, she was the most beautiful of all the fey. Naturally, everybody who saw her was astonished by her and was instantly smitten. Among these was a human named Sienna, who spotted Titania as she made her way through the forest one day.    Sienna was a lone woman who lived among the forest, away from those who had driven her out. For she was so ugly, that the people of her home village had determined that she was cursed and that she would bring bad luck to them. Thus, she relied only on nature, and nature provided for her in return. Titania had been caught in a hunter's trap and was unable to free herself. Moved with compassion, Sienna did not hesitate to rescue the trapped Titania. As the princess fell from the trap, Sienna could see that she was unconscious. Once again, Sienna's kindness urged her to take in the injured Titania and nurse her back to health.  The healing process took a long time, as the beautiful fey was caught in the trap for a long time and such an affair left her strength greatly depleted. Throughout this time, Sienna never left her side. She kept both her body and soul nourished, feeding her when she could eat and singing to her when nightmares accosted her. All the while, Sienna was entirely unaware of the identity of her patient.    On the day that Titania awoke, she threw her arms around her caretaker. Sienna was confused. Why would such a being of immense beauty embrace a human so ugly? "Though I could not see your face as I slept, I tasted your heart, and I heard your soul! You hold more beauty than both all the flowers of summer and the glittering frozen crystals of winter!" The longer the two spent together, the deeper the love between them grew. From this love, Sienna's ability to heal mysteriously grew immensely. People would come from far and wide to be treated by her. However, as the seasons, nothing is eternal.    One day, having heard about this wondrous healer, Oberon came upon Sienna's home in the woods. When he saw his daughter, he was overjoyed. "After long last! I have found my beloved daughter!" he exclaimed. Oberon urged for Titania to come back with him to the palace, but Titania did not want to, for she couldn't bear to leave the one she loved all alone. This made Oberon furious. But since he loved his daughter, he relented for a time. While at the palace, Oberon decided that he knew what was best for his daughter, but knowing that she would never willingly abandon Sienna, he devised a plan. In the dead of night, Oberon sent his sneakiest fey to abduct Sienna from the home she shared with Titania. In the morning, Titania awoke to see that her lover had left, leaving only a note. The note, falsely claiming to be written by Sienna's hand, said that Titania's beauty was wasted on one so ugly as her and that Sienna left so Titania would be held down by her no longer.    As Titania wept, the sky too wept with compassion. She searched every corner of the realm, under every rock, behind every tree; but she never could find Sienna. Her spirits crushed, she eventually returned home. Over time, as wounds tend to do, Titania's heart healed from the pain of Sienna's absence. She eventually met a brave and noble knight whom she grew to love and they were married some time later. Even so, Titania would still think of Sienna and hope that one day, they could be reunited.

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