Lore of Stars Prose in Fayegarde | World Anvil
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Lore of Stars

Initiate spell: Starbolt

Casting value: 7

If this spell is manifested, choose an enemy unit within 12" of the caster and roll 4 dice . For each dice roll that is higher than the current turn number that unit suffers a mortal wound.



Casting value: 7

If this spell is manifested, select a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster. Until the start of your next Magic Phase, models within 6" of that point may never benefit from Stealth.



Casting value: 8

If this spell is manifested, select a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster and draw a straight line between the caster and that point. For every model the line passes over (Except the caster's unit) roll a dice, on a 3+ that model suffers a mortal wound.



Casting value: 8

If this spell is manifested, select a friendly model within 6" and remove it from the battlefield. You may then immediately set it up again within 6" of any friendly Hero.


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